Every power weapon in Halo Infinite, ranked

It’s been a long time coming, but Halo is back. He hello infinity multiplayer is a hit and it’s free for anyone with an Xbox or PC that can handle it. Fans who have been around since the original came out with the original Xbox, and gamers who have never played a Halo game before, are getting in on this throwback to the classic days of the arena shooter. Unlike most FPS games released today, hello infinity it has a very different rhythm. With few exceptions, firefights will last longer than a second and require more consistent aim than simply shooting the opponent.

However, those exceptions exist in the form of powerful weapons. Halo has always had those special weapons that, in the right hands, can change the course of a game. hello infinity It brought back some of the most legendary devastating weapons from previous games, with a few tweaks and balance changes here and there, but it also gave us a bunch of new toys to learn about. We’ve put each one to the test to determine how each powerful weapon stacks up. hello infinity it ranks up so you can rack up a huge amount of kills.

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1. M41 SPNKR Rocket Launcher

The missile will hit the boar.

There is nothing better than a classic. The SPNKR rocket launcher has been included in one form or another in every major Halo game. Though it’s not an overpowered monster like it was in previous games, specifically hello 2he hello infinity version of this explosive beast is still something to fear. What makes it so cool is that you don’t even have to hit the target as long as you land the rocket close enough. The splash damage is easy enough to take out one or more enemy soldiers on foot, and most vehicles will explode into a ball of fire with a single direct hit. This version doesn’t connect to the vehicles and the rockets have a certain travel time, so it’s not a completely free kill. You get two shots before you have to reload, but one is more than enough to take out any threat.

2. Energy Sword

A player is about to finish off the blue spartan.

The iconic Alliance weapon was one we all wished we could get our hands on in the first Halo, and thankfully we got our wish in later games. Again, hello 2 iteration remains the pinnacle of this weapon, but even with balances, it stands as the best melee weapon in hello infinity. In fact, thanks to the slightly weaker shotguns and the inclusion of a new grappling hook rig, the energy sword shines even brighter. One hit will cut through any enemy like butter, and the thrust range is generous but not ridiculous. Similar to the rocket launcher, whenever you see your crosshair turn red, you basically get a free kill. The only thing it won’t be much help against are vehicles and ranged enemies, so plan for that when you pull out this sheet.

3. S7 Sniper Rifle

Sniper targeting the blue player.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, we have the always flashy S7 sniper rifle. The focus of so many clips showing off some crazy ability, this was the weapon that started the whole “no scope” madness. Visible or not, this rifle is built for long range thanks to its multiple zoom levels, but in the right hands it’s just as deadly at close and medium range. The skill floor and cap are much higher on this pistol than on the previous two pistols, but if you have steady hands you can easily go toe to toe. One blow to the head is a death sentence, two to the body will knock out any opponent. The rate of fire is fast enough that you can get two shots before most can get away, and the frame of four is big enough not to be overpowered. hello infinity There’s no accuracy penalty for running or jumping, so you can pull off some crazy shots if you can line them up.

4. Hydra

Block an enemy player with Hydra.

Our first new weapon is a new type of rocket launcher called a Hydra. The rockets fired by this weapon are much weaker than SPNKR’s, but they come out faster and can track targets using the secondary fire method. It’s best used against vehicles, but it’s by no means useless against normal pedestrians. A normal shot is more powerful, it takes around two hits to kill a normal enemy, while a follow up takes twice as long. Of course, these reference shots are perfect for searching and blowing up vehicles, and while you can also locate people, in most situations it’s better to just take a photo than wait for them to locate you. Oh, and Hydra has an amazing recharge rate, so plan ahead for that.

5. Cinderella

Firing a purple blast.

Another new explosive weapon, this time more akin to a grenade launcher, the Cindershot fires ricochet explosives that also act as small gravity wells. Direct hits don’t mean much, so using the rebound is key to making this powerful weapon work for you. The splash damage range is pretty good, especially when using the secondary fire mode. Also, the projectiles you fire will be guided and will go wherever you move the crosshairs. This can be hard to master, but it allows you to maneuver grenades around cover or chase a vehicle. More than most explosives, be careful with this so you don’t end up in an explosion.

6. Gravity hammer

Gravity hammer blow.

Elites were known for their energy sword and brutes for their gravity hammer. Unfortunately, the hammer has never been able to match the sword in terms of raw power, though it does have several secondary uses unique to it. This is a big guy with a big coil, at least compared to a sword, that feels like he’s swinging a paper tube, that he’ll shoot anyone caught in a business. The range seems to be a bit shorter than the sword, at least for a one-hit kill, but the gravity burst is much wider. This thing can, and will, throw enemies, vehicles, and even some projectiles out of your way. You can even use it to give yourself a platforming boost to reach new areas. All of this makes the Gravity Hammer more versatile if you can handle it.

7. Skewers

Aiming a spit at a boar.

The Spartan Laser’s replacement is the much more satisfying Skewer. Instead of charging a large, piercing red laser, the Skewer fires a massive spike that will pierce a tank just as easily as a player. A direct hit will destroy the player, and if it doesn’t destroy the vehicle, it will at least kill them. It’s about as accurate as a sniper rifle though, you only get one shot before you need to spend precious seconds reloading. Also, unlike sniper rounds, firing this one from a distance will cause the tip to suffer from the effects of gravity and begin to fall. If you’re aiming too far away, you’ll need to compensate by aiming the shot and compensating for drop. It’s better for taking down larger vehicle targets, but the lure of throwing a giant spike through a Spartan is well worth it if you can land that hit.

8. The Ravager

Firing a blast of red plasma.

The plasma version of the grenade launcher comes in the form of the Ravager, which isn’t nearly as deadly as the name suggests. This gun fires a three shot plasma blast that has a fairly strong arc associated with it, or it can be charged with a single massive plasma ball. Normal shots are like small plasma blasts, while a charged blast sticks to any surface it lands on, dealing continuous damage to anything it touches. Normal hits are pretty weak, it takes a total of six hits to kill a normal Spartan. The charged plasma pool is a little more useful in objective modes where you might want to clear paths or fix your flag or checkpoint, but it’s very situational and unlikely to result in many direct kills.

9. Stalker Rifle

Aiming the alien sniper at the enemy.

Finally, we come to the new version of the Covenant sniper rifle. Although they have gone through many guises, this may be the weakest alien sniper ever. All it really has going for it is a high rate of fire and not reloading until you overheat it. You still have two zoom options, and since it’s plasma based, it will remove shields quite effectively, but it will be hard to kill. If you headshot perfectly, you’ll still need three hits to take down an enemy, more if you hit the body, which is plenty for a sniper which should be a powerful weapon. This is most useful as a secondary weapon that you pair with something like BR to take down shields and then clean up blast kills, or use it to support your team. This is basically a slightly stronger carbine from previous games.

editor’s recommendations

Categories: GAMING
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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