Faith in humanity is restored when woman saves her best friend from a flood with a plastic bucket

During the recent flood, Chloe Adams had only a few minutes to think of a way to save herself and her now aged dog Sandy. If they want to get there safely, that means they have to swim a short distance from their house to a neighbor’s roof.

However, there is a slight current and the water is cold, so larger dogs cannot swim.

In an interview, the woman said the following: “I am more nervous [about] take her in the water but yourself. I had to find something that could safely get her across the water.”

As floodwaters rose rapidly and their roof space dwindled, Adams first used Sandy’s bed as a flotation device. However, instead of floating, it sinks. Then she gets a vase big enough for Sandy, but she also starts to sink.

When the time ran out, Adams took a nearby couch cushion and placed it under the tank to keep Sandy afloat. The woman then swam to the nearest roof and pulled herself and Sandy out of the water. Adams’ dad captured the entire incident on camera and you can watch the rescue here:

For the next five hours, the dog and the man were stuck on the roof, amid heavy rain and high floods, patiently waiting to be rescued. The woman also said this: “I held Sandy in my arms the whole time and covered her with a plastic box to keep out the rain.” At that moment, Chloe’s uncle rescued the duo in his kayak and they both recovered safely from their traumatic experience at Adams’ grandmother’s house. Both dogs and people are safe and happy together.

Finally, Adams continued: “We comfort each other when times are tough. I [am] was there to hug her and tell her it was okay, and she laid her head on my lap knowing it hurt.”

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