FFXIV How to Clean up Your Glamour Dresser

If you’re like me, you throw too much into your gaudy wardrobe. A lot of people, myself included, are always overwhelmed by storage space and can’t hold everything we want. I’m going to cover some tips for cleaning up your room so you can continue to enjoy finding new items to add to your collection.

Before Shadowbringers, we used to be limited to 200 pieces in our glamorous wardrobe, which seems crazy. Even after doubling the storage to 400 and adding additional disks, it easily hit the ceiling. I’ve been sitting on it for a while now. This is actually making me a little nervous because every time I want to add something new I have to go in and throw out an item or two.

All I really needed to do was sit down and do a thorough check, so I thought while doing that, I would discuss my thought process throughout, in case anyone Others are in a similar situation.

Choose permanent talisman board

This is different for everyone, but you should work out how many permanent or permanent talismans you want. This is really important to me because it helps to allocate my resources (400 items) according to my needs (how much gear do I have for tanks, melee, gunners, etc). Dedicate more panels to your favorite job or role.

For example, I mainly play tanks and melee, so I would like to have a charisma table for each class (1-4 is tank, 5-8 is melee). While the tanks share most of the kits and I would probably use any of the four kits on any tank, the extra plates allow me to enjoy more variety. when I play this role a lot.

On the other hand, I don’t play a lot with healers, spell users, or ranged classes, so I only reserve one slot per character (cells 9-11). This way, I’ve got what I like on rare occasions.

After allocating these plates, I still have four spaces left (12-15). These might be for work I’m leveling up but can’t use the high level board, or if I want the DoL/DoH rig or screenshots or events to get a specific look. Having indeterminate plates just gives general flexibility, which I appreciate.

When your charm board is full it leaves you no room to throw away any of these items as you always think you will need it in case you cover that dress and want to reuse it later. . That’s why, in my opinion, you should set up a semi-permanent outfit for each job (you can still have multiple panels for your favorites) and have some flexible panels.

Different types of budgets

If I’m using the 350 storage spaces in my closet for bodysuits, I’m really limiting myself to actually trying to make clothes. There are many options for determining the type of item you want and budget space for everything. You don’t have to be too hard on yourself, but you should have general guidelines so you know which parts are getting out of hand.

Here are the rough numbers I use to organize my glamorous wardrobe. That’s a total of 325, so theoretically, if I follow this, I should have at least 75 places to add new charms I want to try.

Main card – 50

Vice – 5

Chief – 10

Body – 100

hand – 50

Feet – 50

foot – 50

Accessories – 10

work piece by piece

The dropdown is great, it keeps me from getting overwhelmed looking at 50 items at once. This allows you to break down a large cleanup job into a series of smaller, more manageable tasks. You can craft all weapons at once and come back to crafting chest armor later.

Each job in the list also helps you visualize the amount of space allocated to each job. I can wield 15 cool swords and shields, but if I decided to just dedicate a spell table to the knights, then really, I wouldn’t try 15 different outfits. In these cases, you’ll want to cut back and decide which items you really want to use and which you’ll never use.

It also gives you the opportunity to re-evaluate what your favorite outfit is. Something cool you might think you got from a dungeon might actually not be better than something you already have in your glamorous closet, which you can safely throw away. .

Remove items that can be retrieved

The first things you should get rid of are things that you can easily get back. Crafting supplies or equipment, work-specific outfits, artifact replicas, Codex gear, Gold Disc clothing, etc. Anything you can buy fairly cheaply is safe from the closet.

Even if it is used for a permanent enchantment board, you can still remove it. The charm tray is locked so you can take your stuff off the vanity and your tray will still work. If you have some really nice glamorous outfits that you like, don’t feel that you have to put everything in your wardrobe. You cannot remove the plate and have to put it back in.

I’ve found a lot of stuff in my glamor cabinet that I can buy back from disaster recyclers if I need to. At least 20 projects I deleted were for this reason. Makai gear also takes up more space than you think, and if you earn trophies from achievements, you can always redeem them.

Keep any hard-to-grab items. If it takes a lot of resources, or especially a lot of time, stick with it. Brutal loot, expensive spells, dungeon gear, and rudimentary weapons are all great examples. These are the last things on the list to get rid of.

If you’ve changed races, you’ll want to see if there are items that no longer work for you. When Shadowbringers came out, I switched to Hrothgar. I was able to remove many headgear that were no longer showing on my character.

You should also check for duplicates. I have two identical samurai weapons from the battle of Susano; I must have ignored the warning message when I put the second one on the cabinet.

Be selective about work-specific categories

It’s easy to see something shiny and throw it in the closet, but if the item is only used for one job, it may never see the light of day. Parts shared by multiple jobs are more flexible, so be careful not to stock up on too many job-specific parts. Obviously, if you only have one or two jobs, you don’t have to worry too much about this.

Personally, I find that I own more weapons than I ever imagined, and of course those weapons can only be used for one job. Once I see how much I have hoarded, I have to be more picky about the things I actually like.

A rule of thumb is the same as for the (lower tier) crafting materials in your inventory. If you don’t know what to do with it in the near future, get rid of it. If you love an item but can’t imagine what to wear it with, take it out.

I find that many leg pieces are actually masked by body or foot charm. For this reason, I ended up dropping some work-specific artifacts and dungeon drops. Colored pants can be used for many things and are very convenient. Of course, I also keep a lot of great patterned pants.

In short

I’d say I’m primarily interested in trying to maintain the right balance between item types, getting the most out of gear between classes, rather than stocking up on things I can easily buy. These are all things I try to keep in mind when cleaning out my glamorous wardrobe. I eventually dropped to 319/400, so I went from struggling near full capacity to over 80 free.

Now fill it again with shiny new stuff. Hope you find some helpful tips here and let me know how messy your closet is. Do you have a lot of “permanent” talisman boards and have to change them often? Leave a comment below.

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