Foix : the gathering in honor of the bears killed in the Pyrenees took place smoothly

association leaders environmentalists have filed a small wooden coffin, flowers and a teddy bear in front of the prefecture. wooden Coffin, flowers and a teddy

association leaders environmentalists have filed a small wooden coffin, flowers and a teddy bear in front of the prefecture.

wooden Coffin, flowers and a teddy bear : the leaders of the associations environmentalists had it all planned to get their message out at an event in homage to a bear, killed in the Pyrenees. The rally had been banned by the prefecture, who feared a clash with the breeders.

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In a funeral march symbolic, a small wooden coffin, flowers and a teddy bear have been deposited in front of the entrance gate of the prefecture. The protesters have called on the State to “make every effort to find the murderers” of the plantigrade of four years killed by a firearm on June 9, near the station of ski of Guzet, at 1 800 metres. “We are the teddy bear, the villains are them,” chanted the protesters. On banners one could read “No to the mafia, anti-bear” or “to Denounce a murder is a moral obligation and civic duty”.

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Risks of counter-demonstration

The holding of the event was uncertain up to the day before in the evening, the préfète of the Ariège having forbidden Thursday, considering that it was “likely to create tensions between the supporters of the reintroduction of the bear and of the actors of the rural world of the pyrenees”. She also spoke of the risks of projects of counter-demonstration observed on social networks.

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But on Friday evening, the administrative court of Toulouse rejected these grounds and suspended the order of the prefect. “We do not want to seek confrontation or to designate a culprit, the guilty, the politicians who inflame the hatred,” said Alain Marek, delegate ariégeois of Aspas (Association for the protection of wild animals).

Second plantigrade killed in 2020

“How are they to hear that pastoralism maintains the natural heritage so that there’s as much biodiversity in a pasture than in a golf course?”, for its part, has launched Julien, spokesperson of the collective Forest Shepherd Occitania, which is the origin of the appeal proceedings before the administrative court of Toulouse.

The bear killed at the beginning of June is the second plantigrade, who died this year in the Pyrenees, after the discovery of the corpse of Catechu, in April, on the Spanish side of the border. The findings of the autopsy of the latter have not been made public.

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Forced by eu legislation on the protection of biodiversity, the French government launched in the 1990s a program of reintroduction of the brown bear in the pyrenees, where the species had almost disappeared. The beginning of a conflict that has been ongoing since ranchers and environmentalists, punctuated by demonstrations, sometimes violent. The authorities count now 50 specimens in the Pyrenees, which however, does not guarantee the survival of the species.

Date Of Update: 20 June 2020, 12:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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