Four misconceptions about the climate (which does help)

During the klimaatsessie our reactieplatform NUjij, many of your questions can be answered by klimaatexperts. We can see that there is sometimes a lack of clari

During the klimaatsessie our reactieplatform NUjij, many of your questions can be answered by klimaatexperts. We can see that there is sometimes a lack of clarity about key elements in the climate change debate. Climate experts Sible Schöne, Marc Londo, Mariken, Stolk, and His Recommendation to take it on the biggest causes of confusion regarding the climate of the way.

Sible Schöne, a consultant and former director of the Klimaatstichting HERE.

“One of the many misconceptions about climate change, it is a one-sided focus on the national objective to be achieved. It has klimaatontkenners is a shot for open goal for climate change policy-once a game. The netherlands is a small country, accounting for less than 0.5 per cent of the world’s total. It is important to keep the ambitious and the role of the Netherlands and the European Union is now addressing is much more in the nature of a aanjagersrol.”

“and Then, of course, be necessary in order to reduce, in their own country, significantly reducing, but there is so much more. In the EU, for example, can take advantage of the fact that they have to be the biggest market in the world. If, for example, the EU transport petrol and diesel cars from the year 2025 going to prohibit it, then it’s time for the global industry. There are many examples where the EU has the ability to lead. Think of the transition to zero-emission production of steel, plastics, cement and other raw materials, combined with import levies on the basis of the CO2 emissions in the process.”

“There are major other benefits such as less air pollution. Clean and fuel-efficient stoves for 2.6 billion people in developing countries are still in a camp fire to cook, in my opinion is also a logical priority. In many poor countries, it is not only the main source of CO2 emissions, but also air pollution, health problems, land degradation, and deforestation. In the EU, this allows for the money to make a constructive contribution to addressing the climate change problem in these countries, and in this way, a lot of friends. This is important in an international context.”

Marc Londo, an expert of the Dutch Association for Sustainable Energy (NVDE), and energieonderzoeker, University of Utrecht

“It’s the biggest mistake, in my eyes, is that it is the one technology or the other. That is, the impression will be, in some of the discussions are still there. It may, for example, from wind and sun for clean electricity generation. To improve the sustainability of housing is to be hydrogen, or natural gas usage. In addition, there are choices to be made between heat pumps and warmtenetten for homes aardgasvrij need to be made. And finally, it’s going to be electric cars, biofuels for sustainable transportation.”

“In fact, it is the task of the transition was so great. that is, we are pretty much all of the techniques that we have in our homes need to focus on. Then, and only then, it is a clean energy system by 2050 is achievable. It is necessary to address climate change in the near future.”

Mariken, Stolk, consultant, sustainable energy for the Environment “, The message of transition is that the gas should be. The result of this is that a lot of people will want to upgrade to a heat pump, because it is a very good and long-lasting. People forget that not all homes are suitable for this purpose. It is better to go to isolation.”

“Roughly, I said, all of the prior to the 2006-built homes, are not immediately suitable for use as a heat pump, without modification in the insulation of the house. The lining in the housing starts is also very good. The older the home the more you need to do in order to be able to switch to a heat pump. This means that you have to work at it, improve the insulation and on the delivery system to the heating system. It should be suitable for heating at a low temperature.”

“take the next few years, the risk of, for example, for renovations and relocations, in order for the insulation to be optimized. It doesn’t have to be directly. The shutoff valve is only in 2050 it will be close. You have to take the time to invest in insulation. You don’t have to be afraid to get in the boat and hard to miss.”

Guus Mulder, consultant, innovation, and sustainability, TNO,

“It’s the biggest mistake all around the the climate, in my view, is that we have the energy but would do so because of climate change. The wealth that we have accumulated since the industrial revolution leads to the fact that we are becoming less and less accepting of our way of life and the negative effects it has on other people, our health and our environment.”

“This is not necessary, because now we are getting to the limit of the growth of our business. The small steps that we need to make further growth possible. We have been making a lot of successes have been achieved, for example, to prevent the hole in the ozone layer, and acid rain. Sustainability is an important part of our society, our health, our economy, and our future.”

“We’ll have it all to do. Of course, the western world, and comes first need. Skepticism about the commitment of the rest of the world, one doesn’t need to and should not lead to a halt in the us. After all, We have the most to benefit from an improved environment in the Netherlands, which is the foundation for a healthy life in our own country. To do this, innovation is required. Therefore, the technical solutions for the sustainability of our homes, and our energy systems. In short, the solutions for our future world in a sustainable, healthy, and comfortable.”

See also: Your questions (and answers) about climate change policies and the sustainable

Date Of Update: 10 March 2020, 20:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

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