Freeridge Solves A Major On My Block Chivo Mystery (Thanks To The Bruja)

warning! spoiler Friedrich And in my neighborhood.

Friedrich Solve the long-standing mystery of the sister program on my block – One is about Emilio Rivera’s mysterious, dwarf-loving on my block And Friedrich There are many hidden mysteries; some serious, others frivolous and charming. These magical, often inexplicable elements help bring appeal to the great LA neighborhood, and it’s satisfying that the two shows can draw closer together by referencing and sometimes even solving. each other’s secrets.

Friedrich It tells the story of four teenagers in the famous Freerich neighborhood who try to break the curse placed on them after finding a mysterious box. This adventure will eventually yield two Friedrich The main characters, Ines (Bryana Salaz) and Demi (Ciara Riley Wilson), come into contact with one of the many magical creatures – the bruja or the local witch of the neighborhood. on my blockMeanwhile, the story of four other teenagers searching for a treasure called RollerWorld money is told. During the search, they often come across a man named Chivo – a former member of the Santos gang, who is certain that many garden gnomes are still alive.

Chivo’s old Juanita makes him the dwarf on my block

Freedom Ridge Gnomes Part 1

original program, on my blockit’s never revealed exactly where Chivo has all the gnomes in his garden, or why he’s so obsessed with them, although the ceramic creatures are consistent throughout the show. FriedrichBoth shows reveal where at least one of Chivo’s dwarves comes from – namely, the sexy dwarf Juanita, who spends a lot of time with Jamal in search of the RollerWorld fund. on my blockIt turns out that the bruja Demi and Ines visit are actually Juanita in real life, played by Carla Jimenez, who was once romantically involved with Chivo.

like demi and ines in Friedrich, the real-life Juanita turns the dead into dwarves. As for the gnome that looks like and is named after her, it turns out that Juanita, in the face of their breakup, made Chievo his own gnome and continued to make them for him because he had damage them many times. This strange dwarf swap could perhaps be seen as Juanita harboring some lingering affections for her former lover. in blocksbecause she keeps making him a creature.

Freeridge’s Bruja explains why Chivo is obsessed with gnomes

in my neighborhood villatinoco

This reveals the word Friedrich Part 1 It doesn’t just explain where the gnomes come from on my blockand why Chivo is so obsessed with these creatures. Chivo’s apparent affection for Juanita explains why he wants as many examples of her work as possible, and the fact that Juanita is a bruja also explains why he’s sure they’re still alive. , as a witch’s gift can easily have many magical properties. Chivo keeps dwarves, especially those with the faces of his former lovers, as souvenirs from his time with Juanita, or as a way to keep in touch with her , that still makes him satisfied Friedrich solve the mystery.

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