Full Comparison Of Top Gun & Maverick’s Beach Scenes (& Which Is Better)

both Top Guns and its sequel, Top Gun: Maverick Scenes featuring the series’ main characters against the iconic beach scene draw many comparisons to one another. Original Top Guns Released in 1986, the film stars Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer and Anthony Edwards as pilots at the famous Top Gun fighter pilot school. The sequel hits theaters 36 years later in 2022, with Cruise returning as famed pilot Pete “Maverick” Mitchell.

Top Gun: Maverick Considered by many to be a major improvement over its predecessor in many ways, it is one of the few traditional sequels that continues the spirit of the original film and expands on its story and characters. However, it cannot be denied that Top Gun: Maverick There are multiple callbacks to the first season, which are nothing more than beach scenes. Top Guns The beach scene was one of the most iconic of 1980s cinema, which means Top Gun: Maverick Almost inevitable, but how do these two scenarios compare and which one is better?

How does Maverick’s beach scene song compare to Top Gun

Top Gun 2 Maverick Tom Cruise soundtrack

One of the more striking aspects of the two Top Guns And Top Gun: Maverick The beach sequence is the music of choice. In the former case, director Tony Scott chose another Kenny Loggins song to accompany the iconic “Danger Zone”: “Play with the Boys.” The song’s use of context makes sense in the lyrics, with Loggins singing about one of life’s simplest joys being playing with boys and most importantly, who wins. Sign in is designed for Top Guns album comes with ‘danger zone’ Top Gun: Maverick It works great too.

Top Gun: Maverick The beach scene, on the other hand, is accompanied by a song of the same republic: “I’m not worried”. Like the Loggins song, “I’m Not Worried” was written for the film after Cruise turned down more than 30 songs by various bands for the sequel. Cruise wanted a song dedicated to the beach scene, and Ted (One Republic’s lead singer) wrote it with the character’s mind at ease and intimacy for the first time. This is reflected in the lyrics, the message of the song is not to worry about previous dates and deadlines but live in the moment, imitating the beach scene.

top gun maverick football scene

One of the core differences between each film’s beach scenes is the movement involved. Top Guns Maverick, Goose, Iceman and Slider are playing volleyball while Top Gun: Maverick Watch Maverick and his rookies play scripted football. According to Maverick, script football is just regular football, the only difference is that it focuses on both defense and attack. One of the reasons has to do with the narrative purpose of the scene, which will be explored later. However, another reason could be related to filmmaking.

Football is a sport that is more instinctive and interesting than volleyball, more dynamic than volleyball. In choosing football to do spoiler beach scene, a filmmaker can create a more action-based scene, along with its narrative elements, to create more scenes Top Guns Original volleyball scene. This is reflected in the more dynamic camera movement, which is more focused on the characters and the overall tone of the scene.

How is Maverick’s beach scene similar to Top Gun’s style

Top Gun Maverick Sunset Soccer

It’s interesting, the two scenes have different styles And At the same time similar. top gunner, For example, with a clear blue sky in the background, each player’s movements are clearly visible. Top Gun: Maverick The setting is a bit different at dusk as the sun goes down and there are a lot of silhouettes of each character at sunset, meaning they aren’t clearly visible as the scene unfolds. However, when the football match officially started, the similarities between the scenes became clear.

Each scene has lots of slow motion shots of the respective characters. Whether it is Top Guns Maverick and the goose in the slow motion celebration or Maverick and the rooster in Top Gun: Maverick, there is a sizable portion of the scene in slow motion. These elements, along with the beach setting and fun songs, mean that the two scenes are very similar in style, albeit with some slight differences. This allows Top Gun: Maverick The beach scene emulates the original very clearly through its stylistic similarities, while at the same time being different and original enough to fit the series’ modern setting, and the film as a whole does. do it perfectly.

Is Maverick’s beach scene as thrilling as Top Gun’s?

Tom Cruise plays volleyball in Top Gun

One of the more iconic elements of the original Top Guns The beach scene is its gay nature. The scene features four attractive military men playing volleyball in nothing but jeans and a pilot’s shirt. From the zigzag slow-motion shots and the sweaty glints glistening in the sun, to the slightly gay nature of Kenny Loggins singing about hanging out with the boys Top Guns Background music, scenes became iconic.

one thing is clear Top Gun: Maverick The beach scene isn’t as stark as its predecessors. That being said, there are similar elements that call this back. As expected, the scene features a large group of military men and women performing high-performance sports in nothing more than jeans and a very fake slow-motion shot of the sun shining. However, there are factors that make sense Top Gun: Maverick The scene is not gay like the 80s Top Guns.

On the one hand, the scene’s narrative purpose means that it fits the story of the film and has a reason for being for the characters of Maverick, Penny, and the Top Gun cadets. This – combined with the modernization elements of Top Gun, in which female recruits take part in beach sports activities – and the dialogue between Maverick and Lieutenant General Cyclone driving home, means that The film’s narrative purposes mean Top Gun: Maverick The beach scene doesn’t have the same gay elements as its predecessor, although there are enough similarities to pay homage to the icon. Top Guns.

Maverick’s beach scene has more narrative purpose than Top Gun

top maverick gun chicken and maverick

The main thing that makes these two scenarios different is Top Gun: Maverick no doubt more Top Gun.Top Gun There’s still a small amount of story element to the beach scene, as it further establishes Goose and Maverick’s bond with each other, while also increasing Maverick and Iceman’s pilot rivalry. Other than that, though, the scene doesn’t have any real meaning to the movie, and it’s hard to see how the entire movie would negatively affect the story if the scene were dropped.

sequence, Top Gun: Maverick The central story is directly related to the sequence. the whole episode spoiler revolves around the main character who needs to train Top Gun’s cadets to complete seemingly impossible missions. That means training them to do their best, and teaching them to work as a team and support each other in the sky. The second half is where the beach scene comes into play. Spend most of the time Top Gun: Maverick The rookies in front of the beach scene show a clear tension between them, similar to Maverick and Iceman – their return spoiler is perfect – the iron relationship of the first movie

However, the beach scene was included in the film to bring the students together and make them see each other as teammates rather than rivals at the top academy. This is summed up at the end of the scene when Maverick is asked why he and his students are playing the game when Cyclone has a packed mission schedule. Simple answer by Mavericks “You said you would form a team, sir. This is your team.” This is the first real display of their friendship in the film, with the recruiter lifting shy recruiter Bob over his head.

Why is Top Gun: Maverick’s beach scene better than Top Gun

Top Gun Maverick's soccer beach scene

For the purposes of the description above only, Top Gun: Maverick The beach scene is an improvement top gunner, And spoiler Overall considered an overall improvement and one of Cruise’s best films. Top Guns The scene itself is iconic and perfectly emulates the cheesy ’80s action movie tone that makes it so good, Top Gun: Maverick A way has been found to convey the same tone while making the setting central to the story and the characters. This narrative element, combined with the shooting of more dynamic scenes and the continued refinement of the film’s great characters, means Top Gun: Maverick With more upscale beach views than its predecessor, Top Guns.

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