George Lucas’ Fatal Mistake Was Directing All The Star Wars Prequels Himself

george lucas made a big mistake Star Wars A prequel trilogy that ignores the original trilogy’s lesson that he shouldn’t be directing movies on his own. Star Wars The original prequel trilogy received mixed reviews upon release, although its reputation has grown well over the years. Still, it’s worthwhile to look back and explore the factors that led to the disappointing response to the prequels.

Although Lucas insists that he is following his vision, he must also pay attention to the reaction of his fans. For example, this leads to some key points of storytelling; Star Wars Episode I – The Phantom Menace Concepts like midiplasms and Prophecy of the Chosen One were introduced, but Lucas chose to avoid focusing on these, he said in an interview with Paul Duncan Star Wars Archives: Episodes I-III 1999-2005 – To do so would be”munificent.“But the narrative isn’t the only problem; in fact, a major problem could have been put into the franchise itself.

George Lucas’s original trilogy rule means he shouldn’t be directing all 3 prequels

George Lucas and R2-D2 in Star Wars

Looking back at the original trilogy, Lucas opted for a more laid-back approach, staying in San Francisco while filming in Europe. While Lucas received a raw portion of the film, he was not directly involved in the filming. In 1979, Gary Kurtz, who made all three original films, told New York Times This is purely on purpose. “It’s hard to look over the shoulder of another director,“He observes.”Temptation always says, “I won’t do that.” Luckily, George isn’t really interested in directing—in fact, he hasn’t directed a movie since Star Wars. He prefers editing. We always felt that a different director should tell each story. You will have a different focus and approach.

Kurtz’s words make complete sense, as each of the original three has a slightly different direction, yet still feels like they’re part of the same universe. This keeps the audience interested and allows different people to put their stamp on it Star WarsHowever, this did not happen in the prequel trilogy, as George Lucas directed all three films. Knowing that Kurtz said that Lucas doesn’t like the director, it’s a bit odd that Lucas puts himself in the shoes of the three films. In fact, George Lucas didn’t direct a movie in the first time period. Star Wars movie (later renamed new hope) And Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace.

It will be interesting to speculate why Lucas chose to break his original trilogy rule and direct a prequel. One possible explanation is that, for many years, he Star Wars And try to create your own clear vision. This also matches the changes he made to the special edition.

Would the prequels be better if George Lucas hadn’t directed it?

George Lucas with C-3PO at the site for Attack of the Clones.

It’s hard to say whether the prequel trilogy would have been more successful in theaters if Lucas hadn’t directed all three films. They differ in style and may have more variations; the actors admitted they found it difficult to challenge Lucas with lines because they felt Star Wars Belonging to him, they find themselves merely complementing his vision. But it must be emphasized that, the Lucas prequel trilogy is fine, only disappointing viewers by not achieving what they expected. No matter who directs it, their reaction is likely to be the same.

Although the director had a different idea from the original trilogy, it still felt special when George Lucas decided to take the director’s seat again for the prequels. Lucas is someone who mostly just writes the script and then produces. new hope, and his willingness to direct prequels shows his passion for Anakin Skywalker’s origins. But interestingly, the sequel trilogy omits that approach and uses multiple directors — with varying results. This can happen Star Wars There needs to be a more delicate balance between the visuals and the different directors.

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