Gifts of the blood : the alert threshold is reached, is alarm the French Establishment of the blood

The French blood establishment is launching a call to mobilize everyone, so that they can spend the summer season with enough reserves. Shares of

The French blood establishment is launching a call to mobilize everyone, so that they can spend the summer season with enough reserves.

Blood supplies are in a critical state: “the alarm threshold has been reached”, the French Blood Foundation (EFS) has warned, because with the continuation of work the needs are increasing and will continue to increase this summer, a period not usually suitable for donating blood.

so This is a call to action launched by EFS so that they can spend the summer season with enough reserves. On the occasion of World Blood Donor Day on June 14, he invites everyone to donate blood or encourage others to do so with his campaign “#Take more than 1 month to give your all!”.

“Although we managed to pass the period of confinement finally quite calmly, we have reached the threshold of alarm, the situation is not good” and “is extremely tense” today, ” notes François Toujas, president of the French blood establishment. Thursday morning, the stock was at 90,000 pockets of red blood station, but the level fell below the warning threshold of 85,000 as of June 2.

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“It would be necessary to reach 120,000 pockets of red blood cells by mid-July,” points out François Toujas. It is essential to raise the level of reserves before the summer and maintain it until September. The origin of this situation is “worrying”, the cancellation of numerous mobile collections (in universities and companies, etc.) that continue even in the deconfinement period (sectors are still slow, remote work or locally unavailable).

Fewer collections due to Covid-19

in addition, the blood collection company, important for blood donation, practically stopped at the beginning of March, before the hold. EFS is trying to redistribute the collections elsewhere, for example in city halls. But precautionary measures to avoid the transmission of the new coronavirus responsible for the disease Covid-19 (mandatory wearing of masks, physical distance…) are slowing down the levies.

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There is no risk in blood transfusion,” said Dr. Pascal Morel, director of the medical and research department of the EFS. Just come when you feel well (without symptoms) to avoid contracting Covid-19,” he said. During the summer season, donors are on vacation and the needs are usually less. But that will not be the case this summer: there are real concerns about EFS, as in most cases there are no other options for blood transfusions, while needs increase with the resumption of hospital activity.

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Donating blood is possible for all eight weeks: those who donated at the beginning of the restriction can apply for a donation again. Red blood cells should be stored for a maximum of 42 days, and platelets for up to seven days. To know where to donate a head on the web or using the app Donate blood.

Date of update: June 11, 2020, 11:58 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

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