Gold Skultullas In Zelda: Ocarina of Time Are Only 50% Pointless

Collect tokens from the golden skull The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of the biggest side quests in the game, but only half of them are worth finding. While players will be rewarded for finding all 100 tokens, the 50 token bonus is the final reward of any value earned. After that point, the side quests feel like a waste of time.

exist Ocarina of time, there are 100 golden skeletons scattered around the world in Hyrule. Each kill of an enemy gives Link a Gold Skull Token. A wealthy family cursed by greed asks for Link’s help as their curse can only be broken by defeating all 100 golden skulls. They will offer rewards at certain milestones, with Link receiving the ultimate reward after he kills all of Hyrule’s golden skeletons. Of course, curious players will naturally want to see what the rewards are.

The first few bonuses for Skull are pretty good. The 10-token adult wallet allows Link to carry 200 rupees at a time instead of the original 99 rupees, while the massive 30-token wallet brings this limit up to 500 rupees. For 20 tokens, the Stone of Pain on the Nintendo 64 will shake the controller to detect hidden objects, while the Shard of Pain on the 3DS will do the same with a musical chime. 40 Tokens will be given to Bombchus players, this is conditional but still useful. However, 50 tokens will be given to a heart to increase the total lifespan of the Link. All these gifts are worth the effort.dislikes Ocarina of timePointless Frostbolt, all of these accolades are quite helpful for Link’s journey.

The ultimate good skeleton reward in Ocarina of Time is Heart Fragment

In Ocarina of Time, a golden bone spider hangs from the ceiling.

However, after 50 tokens, the Gold Skulltula reward drops significantly. First, collecting Skull Coins will no longer grant any rewards until the player has collected 100 Skull Coins. After returning to Skeleton House, the curse will be broken and the rich man will give Link a large sum of money worth 200 rupees. In addition, Link can earn some huge extra rupees every time he revisits the house. 200 rupees is a lot and big rupees are rare. However, the fact that the top reward for such a long side quest is money can be earned in many other ways makes it easy for players to realize their thoughts. Ocarina of timeBone hunt was disappointing.

There are several ways to make the Golden Skull side quest more fulfilling. Firstly, the gap between 50 and 100 Skulltula without rewards is too long. Instead, it makes more sense to reward every 20 skeletons. Other than that, the end bonus is pretty disappointing. While it’s essentially infinite rupees, players still collect rupees at a steady rate during normal play, so it doesn’t feel too impressive. Instead, the better (and rarer) reward would be something like a container full of hearts or something of equal value. This side quest requires the player to explore the world and defeat 100 unique enemies, and requires a significant time investment to complete. However, unlike mastering, side quests Ocarina of timeGolden Skull Hunt ended up being a disappointment due to a no-earning link glitch.

Golden Skull side quest Ocarina of time In fact, the first half of the year was quite rewarding. Unfortunately, however, the reward for killing more than 50 golden skeletons is very mediocre. Although this is one of the biggest side quests The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeIt’s best to complete the Gold Skulltula quest halfway.

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