Government: Schools, child care, food service, hospitality, and sports up to and including the 6th of april is close

in order To further the spread of the corona virus, it has the cabinet on Sunday decided to continue with the schools and child care services in the Netherlands

in order To further the spread of the corona virus, it has the cabinet on Sunday decided to continue with the schools and child care services in the Netherlands, to a close. Bars and clubs on Sunday, at 18.00 hours of the closing doors. The measures are valid up to and including the 6th of april.

the prime Minister, mr Bruins (public Health) and the minister of Arie Slob (Education), the extra action Sunday afternoon at a press conference.

the Children of the parents who have to work in the so-called key sectors (health, police, and fire services) should be included in the schools will be taken care of.

See also: These ‘key occupations’ keep it in the next few weeks, the right to child care,

you may Also use the saunas, sex clubs, and coffee shops are to be closed. The action, which on Thursday announced the (work from home where possible, and reducing the social contacts for a week and will be extended to 6 april. In addition to this, the government calls on people to be more careful. Thus, calls on Brown to at any time, one and a half feet distance from one another to keep it.

Also, he reiterated that the cash cow of the messages is not necessary. “There is enough for everyone.” The prime minister also announced that in the coming days, the new measures are to be expected.

The Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst made earlier in the afternoon, the well-known prime minister Mark Rutte in the netherlands on Monday at 19: 00 hours, the nation will have to address. The prime minister’s office will take a closer look at the impact of the control of the corona virus in the next few weeks, to the day to day life.

the Second Chamber was the call for schools to connect more and more. RIGHT, THINK about it and FVD called the government on Thursday to order the closure at that time. In the course of the weekend, and added inter alia, the Dutch political party D66, PvdA, GroenLinks, and SGP, in view of this call.

you can Follow the latest developments of the virus in our liveblog.

The corona virus, in short, The virus is spread mainly through the coughs and niesdruppeltjes that are in the air. An infected person is infecting on average two to three other people. This number can be decreased with proper safety precautions. The vast majority of patients have mild (flu-like) symptoms. Almost all the deaths involve elderly or already ill people. With the precautions that you can, these people are protected. Click here to read ” what are the main precautions to be.

Date Of Update: 15 March 2020, 22:01

Categories: Optical Illusion

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