Greece tightens border control after the influx of refugees to Turkey

by The Greek government, the border control has tightened, after the Turkish decision to bring refugees to be able to Europe, so that the report overheidsbronne

by The Greek government, the border control has tightened, after the Turkish decision to bring refugees to be able to Europe, so that the report overheidsbronnen on Friday to a Greek newspaper, Kathimerini.

The prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, has Friday by phone with German chancellor Angela Merkel on the issue. “In greece, the number of border patrols on land and in the sea up stepped up,” said a source.

The country was a customs post on the border with Turkey is closed now, and will report by the Greek channel ERT.

on the night of Thursday to Friday and decided on Turkey as refugees to pass through, in which hundreds of people in the direction of the border crossing with Greece, and Bulgaria are gone. They are not only Syrians, but also the Iraqis, Iranians and Afghans.

It is a Turkish decision, it seems, when it comes to the EU, in order not to remain indifferent to the conflict in the Syrian province of Idlib.

now, a Turkish television stations broadcast live images of refugees arriving by boat in the Greek islands near the Turkish mainland, are trying to achieve. Also, were this morning in Istanbul, the buses are ready to take the refugees to the border town of Edirne in the drive.

as for The Syrian refugees in Idlib are still stuck at the border with Turkey. They are not yet out.

Date Of Update: 28 February 2020, 14:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

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