How much to earn… as a visual artist, and as a change manager?

with money you don’t. Our salarisstrookje is a taboeonderwerp. While we all would like to know is: where should they be the company to do? Ask it’s in f

with money you don’t. Our salarisstrookje is a taboeonderwerp. While we all would like to know is: where should they be the company to do? Ask it’s in front of you. This week, the artist, and the change manager.

introducing , Astrid, and Their (51) as a visual artist, the paintings; that is, her income dependent on the sale of a work, fills by a freelance graphic designer and web designer to work with; it spends, on average, twenty hours per week to her art, and for twenty-four hours to freelanceopdrachten. Corne (47, ‘ real name has been changed) works for a food company as a change manager in the Asia pacific; the approach in a number of plants at the European level; to do that, officially to forty, but, in practice, about sixty hours a week.

now, Corne: “I have been working in South-east Asia, there are a handful of infections. The coronavirusprotocol is a preventive impression. The guards standing at the entrance of the factory, with a temperatuurpistool. Above 37,5 degrees, you will be sent home. I was out this morning, up to 34.5 degrees celsius, which is strangely low, ha-ha.”

now, Corne is: “No, not at all.”

Corne: My company has six factories, and bought it. I am a change manager, and be the only foreigner within a radius of 150 km. The law is pretty good, but of child labour and exploitation are the order of the day. Eighty-five percent of our employees are women. That need to feel safe in the workplace. I’ve seen too many horrific stories are heard about the #metoo scenes. And, in addition, there are some cultural differences in terms of hours of work and work ethic.”

Astrid: “just Fascinating! You will be happy with what you are doing? And what do you earn?”

now, Corne is, “Yes, I am very happy with my work, I am not really likely that this is who I work for wants to do it. I was making 120,000 euros a year, just like I have over 5,000 per month. Each year I also get a bonus of 10,000 euros, and I fly twice a year to the Netherlands at the expense of the business.”

Astrid: “No! Jesus christ. You will need to have a picture with me to buy it.”

now, Corne is, “Yes, a lot of money, isn’t it? I’ve also, at that my boss said when the proposal was coming. I have a non-negotiable here. What is crazy to pay so much? And then, I earn a lot less than men in comparable positions. But, the money interests me, really, nothing at all. I would like to have a painting to buy, what sort of work do you do?”

Astrid: “My work is about rhythm, structure, and stationary points. Now, I am working on a study of the growth of the tree, of which I will try in a very poetic manner. Art, to me, has always been about new opportunities, opening eyes to a different reality.”

now, Corne: “I want to do some of the work for you. I don’t know if we would be able to ship it…”

finally, to Astrid, “No.” Last year I did just under 6,000 euros was earned from my paintings. I can’t live on that. So, I have to fill it in with web design and graphic design. All in all, I’ve 2019 18,500 euros are converted. After all my expenses, including my studio, I have a 10,000 euro. I do not have a pension or a disability. A man who also has an income, but I want to make my own pants to be able to stop.”

now, Corne: “There has been in recent years, a lot of cuts in government spending on arts and culture. Note that you also have?”

Astrid: “No, but I have a question with almost no funding. To my bad financial position, which is always in the back of my mind. This month, I have barely any income, and because I have a couple of colleagues for an exhibition at the to prepare about the position of women in the arts. That is, it is also poor: only 13% of what is on display in the museum is made up by a woman.” How to earn the escorts and surgeons? To read more stories in this series. Call to Break the taboo, and For this section we are looking for new members, such as beauty therapists, plumbers, tailors, orthodontists, diplomats and civil-law notaries. Are you ready to take on? Please send an e-mail to [email protected]

Date Of Update: 25 February 2020, 22:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

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