How to Develop Training Materials

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This article was co-authored by Madison Boehm. Madison Boehm is a business consultant and co-founder of Jaxson Maximus, a men’s beauty salon and custom clothing manufacturer based in South Florida. She specializes in business development, operations, and finance. In addition, she has experience in the hairdressing, clothing and retail sectors. Madison graduated from the University of Houston with a degree in Entrepreneurship and Marketing. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved after it receives enough positive comments. This article received 11 testimonials and 100% of the readers who voted found it useful, earning it our Reader Approved status. This article has been viewed 255,206 times.

Training materials are a necessary part of any program or activity that involves the acquisition and retention of knowledge. The best approach to developing training materials is to start by examining the training plan and available resources. Depending on the learning objectives and the length of the training program, training materials may include workbooks, training manuals, computer lessons, and audiovisual aids. Here are some strategies for developing training materials.

  1. Image titled Develop training materials Step 1

    Determine the objectives of the training program. The goal may be to teach computer lab administrators how to access and operate various software programs. In the nanny-to-be classroom, the goal may be to help teens master the most critical aspects of caring for young children.[1]

    • Look at training manuals from similar companies to get an idea of ​​what to include.
  2. Image titled Develop training materials Step 2

    Develop a training plan. A plan is an outline or outline of how the training will be approached. It typically includes a training program schedule, key learning objectives, and a list of available resources.[2]

    • Estimate how much time to spend on each learning objective. This will aid in the development of training materials and ensure equal time is spent on concepts of equal importance.
  3. Image titled Develop training materials Step 3

    Write a detailed guide for all employees or participants. Provide step-by-step instructions written in a way that is as easy to understand and clear as possible. Include daily tasks, as well as examples of do’s and don’ts. Also, write down any company policies, such as the dress code.

    • Include all relevant materials. For example, participants in a software training program may need hands-on access to the software and screenshots of more complicated software items.
  4. Image titled Develop training materials Step 4

    Write an explanation of the key skills to be learned. This is an overview of what course attendees can expect to learn after moving through the training materials. For example, in a child care class, the primary goals might be to provide first aid, change diapers, provide meals for children, and deal with emergencies.[3]

  5. Image titled Develop training materials Step 5

    Dedicate a separate section to each learning objective. For example, when creating an online module for babysitters, you should provide an entire chapter containing several first aid lessons.[4]

    • Create individual lessons. In a software training class, if the primary goal is to teach professional trainers how to navigate instructional software, each lesson may be geared toward a different goal. For example, a lesson might introduce students to the goal of professional software. The following lesson can demonstrate the function of each navigation button. The next lesson can cover how to run performance reports after students have completed their assigned lessons.
  6. Image titled Develop Training Materials Step 6

    Integrate visual elements. Use graphs, videos, charts, and other visual tools to reinforce important concepts.[5]

  7. Image titled Develop training materials Step 7

    Includes repetition exercises. To accommodate different learning styles, integrate repetition exercises in different formats. For example, training materials may include multiple choice or true/false questions to reinforce the content. After viewing the instructional video, have students break into small groups to discuss the content.[6]

  8. Image titled Develop training materials Step 8

    Establish an evaluation component. If you use videos or presentations to train students, test them by asking them to write down their impressions. When creating a training workbook, knowledge can be verified through quizzes.[7]

  9. Image titled Develop training materials Step 9

    Ask students for their opinion. Evaluate the effectiveness of the training materials by asking the participants of the training program to share their opinions. Feedback forms on training materials may include questions about organization, clarity, variety, and usefulness, and can be used to review and improve the material.[8]

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