How to Earn Money Online as an Educator

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This article was written by Sean Alexander, MS. Sean Alexander is an academic tutor specializing in the teaching of mathematics and physics. Sean is the owner of Alexander Tutoring, an academic tutoring company that provides one-on-one classes focused on math and physics. With over 15 years of experience, Sean has served as an instructor and mentor in physics and mathematics at Stanford University, San Francisco State University, and Stanbridge Academy. He has a BS in physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and an MS in theoretical physics from San Francisco State University. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved after it receives enough positive comments. In this case, several readers wrote to tell us that they found this article helpful, earning it our Reader-Approved status. This article has been viewed 38,128 times.

Teachers meet key requirements in the development of each child. However, the salary many teachers earn does not sufficiently reflect the effort and contributions they make to society. This has forced many to seek employment opportunities in addition to teaching. The competitive outside world requires above average knowledge to be successful. A good number of tutoring professionals have seen the potential of earning extra money online and therefore realized that working online is not only convenient but also profitable as it is easily accessible with little knowledge of Internet. Teachers today are already doing a lot of homework online as they use the Internet extensively to search for information. Online tutors can help students around the world in everything from chemistry to English to history to advanced math. The Internet offers many opportunities for teachers to earn additional income.

  1. Image titled Make Money Online as an Educator Step 1

    Determine your teaching goal and know your skill set. The training of corporate clients, the teaching of a fluent language, the teaching of a specific advanced subject, etc. require specialized individual knowledge of the subject. Assess your subject matter proficiency before applying for teaching jobs online.

  2. Image titled Earn money online as an educator Step 2

    Rate your knowledge about the Internet and communication in an online environment. Teaching online is more of a challenge than lecturing in person. Technological inventions are not safe. Practice online classes with tutors who can give you honest feedback and hone your skills.

  3. Image titled Make Money Online as an Educator Step 3

    Get certified. Enroll in an online teaching certification program. Although not all tutoring agencies specify teacher certifications, it is best to have one to demonstrate your competence in the subject. Many universities offer online teacher certification programs specifically designed to guide teachers through the latest technology tools and online teaching practices.

  4. Image titled Make Money Online as an Educator Step 4

    Before applying for online tutoring jobs, get some online experience in the field. You can log in to educational resource websites like Skill-Guru and create practice tests or log in to Assignments and get positive feedback to improve your profile. Volunteering at local schools as a teaching assistant is a great way to gain experience interacting with students. Not all online tutoring opportunities require prior teaching experience, but many prefer it. Increase the chances that your application will be considered.

  5. Image titled Make Money Online as an Educator Step 5

    Demonstrate your skills in teaching and the effective use of technology. Online instructor employers are equally important for both skills. Must demonstrate the ability to teach while using technology effectively. Please list previous teaching experience along with your knowledge of technology applications and teaching tools. If necessary, create a video that demonstrates your ability to provide step-by-step instructions on a specific topic. This gives potential employers a fair idea of ​​your teaching style and demonstrates your comfort with technology.

  • Personal computer

  • High Speed ​​Internet Access

  • Good communication skills and language skills.

  • Internet telephony software Skype

  • microphone and headphones

  • digital pen – tablet

Categories: How to

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