How to find and kill the Kraken in Sea of Thieves

There are many dangers in Sea of ​​Thieves — from pirates crews to skeletons to deadly storms. There is one sea creature that almost guarantees a one-way ticket to Davy Jone’s locker. In pirate lore, the Kraken is one of the most fearsome creatures an adventurer could have the misfortune of encountering.

The Kraken isn’t so much a boss you hunt down as a menace that appears randomly, attacking ships with its giant tentacles. When this happens, the crews must drop everything and make a huge coordinated effort just to save their ship and their lives. The Kraken is tough and can be deadly. Normally, your goal should be to just do enough damage to get out of his clutches and run away.

He’s not invincible though – you are can defeat the Kraken. A crew working together can fend it off and force the beast to retreat back into the depths. Here’s where to find and how to defeat the Kraken Sea of ​​thieves.

Further reading

How to find the Kraken

How to beat the Kraken in Sea of ​​ThievesImage used with permission of the copyright holder

Watch out for ink water

You won’t find the Kraken in any particular area. There is no way to hunt or track him. The Kraken finds you; you don’t find it. However, there are a few tricks and conditions that will help lure the Kraken onto your ship.

For starters, it’s incredibly rare for the Kraken to attack smaller ships with a limited crew. The Kraken is just as greedy as any other pirate; it will only work for larger ships. However, you should attribute this to the game’s RNGs. Small ships have little chance of being attacked by the Kraken. The beast will also only attack in open water, like Megaladon or Skeleton Ships. Unless your RNGs are really against you, your ship will not encounter a Kraken shortly after leaving an island or outpost.

When you’re about to sail the seven seas, especially if your ship would be considered “Kraken bait,” keep plenty of wooden planks and cannonballs handy. Even if you don’t encounter a Kraken, you’ll still need these items for general repairs and protection.

You’ll know when the Kraken is coming when the water around your ship turns murky black, like it’s full of ink. The ink will damage and blind players swimming in the ocean. Hopefully you’re close to your ship when the Kraken decides to attack. You will have some time to prepare. So how do you prepare for an imminent Kraken attack?

How to kill the Kraken

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Assign each a role

As mentioned, the Kraken will only try to destroy larger ships. A big ship means a big crew, so split up your pirates and assign them different jobs. The Kraken deals massive damage to your ship’s move. It will absorb water, begin to decompose and sink. Perhaps the most important member of the crew is the pirate sent below deck to draw water and repair the ship. Keeping the vessel afloat is the only way to prolong the fight. If your crew is limited, it’s probably best to fend off the Kraken until you escape its dark trap.

Next, you’ll want to have two pirates manning the cannons on the port and starboard sides of your ship. The Kraken’s tentacles will be their primary focus. Just make sure they don’t accidentally load the cannon and shoot the mighty beast. If they manage to hit the tips of the Kraken’s tentacles, perfect; this will deal the most damage. More importantly, when the Kraken opens its mouth-tentacles, target them. The tentacle body is much easier to hit and should be prioritized for more damage over time.

Finally, all other crew members should open fire with their weapons. The scoped rifle will be useful in this fight to accurately shoot the Kraken’s weak points. The Kraken can also wrap its tentacles around your ship to deal damage. Slash and slash with your foot to push the beast back into the ocean.

The Kraken will use its tentacles to wrap around a ship or pick up crew members and throw them into the ocean. If the Kraken picks you up, you can use your bangs to slash at the tentacles until it either spits you back into the water or throws you overboard.

Counter the Kraken’s attacks

sea ​​of ​​thieves how to defeat kraken attacksImage used with permission of the copyright holder

When the Kraken appears, its tentacles will surround the ship. They are dangerous in more ways than one, and you must do everything you can to mitigate the damage they do to your ship and your crew. Fortunately, Kraken tentacles only have two attacks, both of which can be countered by concentrated attacks from your entire team.

First, he uses his mouth to suck up your crew member, grabbing him off the deck of the ship. You take damage while you have a tentacle in your mouth, and it can throw you far into the water or smash you against the ship’s deck. If one of your crew gets caught by a tentacle, it’s a good idea for the crew to focus and get rid of it — if you do enough damage, the Kraken will let them go. You can’t use the gun on the tentacle when it’s holding you in its mouth, but you can cut it with your sword.

Second, the Kraken goes after the ship itself, hitting the bow with its tentacle to damage your hull. When this happens, again, it’s best for the entire crew to turn their attention to the attacking tentacle and yell at it. You can slash the tentacles with your swords while they’re on the deck to damage them, and it’s best to lay everything you’ve got into them to get rid of them quickly.

Beware of swimming on the surface

sea ​​of ​​thieves how to defeat the kraken ink of painImage used with permission of the copyright holder

Chances are pretty good that at least some of your crew will find themselves in the water at some point during a Kraken attack. When this happens, you have to be careful. While the Kraken’s tentacles won’t go after you while in the water, you will constantly take damage from the ink that spreads around the area of ​​attack. To minimize damage, swim below the surface as much as possible. The ink floats on top of the water, so you only have to take damage when you get airborne or return to your ship.

Continue with repairs

sea ​​of ​​thieves how to defeat the kraken repairsImage used with permission of the copyright holder

Fighting the Kraken can be dangerous as you find the tentacles popping out or disappearing beneath the waves. As crew members are grabbed by the tentacles and thrown overboard, it’s easy to forget that your ship is under attack. Make sure your crew goes below deck frequently to fix leaks. It might even be wise to designate one member of your crew specifically to prevent your ship from sinking during battle. The Kraken can do a lot of damage, and if you lose focus, it could take you down with it.

Run away

sea ​​of ​​thieves how to defeat the kraken escapeImage used with permission of the copyright holder

In case it wasn’t clear before, we want to make sure you know: you don’t have to kill the Kraken! Even if you want to, it’s a matter of pride. We understand – but you should be prepared to cut the bait and run instead of confronting it.

Depending on whether you’re losing your crew to the attack or taking massive damage, running away might be the best way to stay alive (and keep all the treasure you have on board). You can simply sail away from the Kraken once you’ve thrown out enough of its tentacles, and it’s worth noting that if you’re attacked while on the move, your sails will still be down and anchored, so even an accident can happen. If you can float out of the inky water, you’ll avoid the Kraken’s wrath, so dash into the tentacles until you start moving again.

If you’re purposely hunting the Kraken, you might not want to have a ton of loot with you. If you have valuable treasure on your boat, you may want to transfer some, if not all, of it to a rowboat. This way you’ll be ready to jump ship and escape on your rowboat with all your loot while the Kraken is distracted by your ship.

What do you get if you kill the Kraken?

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Yes, the Kraken is a tough opponent, but not a true boss. The battle will be fierce; there’s no doubt about that, but keep in mind that this isn’t really a boss fight. The people at Rare claim that the Kraken is like a dangerous storm, a force of nature to be reckoned with. It doesn’t matter how you look at the Kraken. At the end of the day, it can offer you incredible treasure, not to mention valuable combat experience.

You get a piece of treasure every time you defeat one of the Kraken’s many tentacles. So in reality you only have to beat one tentacle to earn the prize. With each tentacle you conquer, you get Kraken meat and some treasure; it’s a win-win. It can be risky if you stick around for a while to defeat more tentacles. If you’re lucky and beat multiple tentacles, it might be worth it. Of course, it’s only useful if you manage to escape and survive together with your ship.

Those who defeat the Kraken will receive the “Kraken Good Job” award as a trophy of their victory.

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Categories: GAMING

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