How to play a multiplayer game in No Man’s Sky

no man’s sky it has finally become the game that Hello Games promised. You can travel to any number of planets through a wide variety of galaxies to explore the universe. This game allows you to slowly (but surely) go from one planet to another, building bases and studying life on other planets. Although the game is a lot of fun, things are always better with friends.

If you want to start an entire city on one planet, playing with someone else can really help. no man’s sky It can be fun alone, but playing with someone adds that extra layer of security against guards, unyielding terrain, and biological horrors. If you’re having trouble adding friends to this game, you’ve come to the right place!

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Add friends from the beginning

Let’s say you jump online at the same time as your friend. You decide: Why not play? no man’s sky? It’s the perfect time to add other players to the game!

No Man's Sky Multiplayer

When you first open the game, you’ll be greeted with the option to play as a player or join another player’s game. If you opened the game first, press Play the game, then move on to the next section of this guide. However, if your friend is the one who started their game, you’ll want to guess More players.

Once there, you will have the opportunity to choose The presenter of the new game. – and nothing more. You will have to wait a moment for this page to load. When this happens, your friend’s name will appear and you will be able to join their game. The page after this will allow you to choose which save point you want to start from.

If you have a friend from another console that you want to play with, you’ll need to look at the bottom of this page. there will be a choice Show my No Man’s Sky friend code and Add a No Man’s Sky Friend. If you find yourself playing on multiple platforms, you will need to share your code with your friend and ask them to add a code or vice versa. Once this is done, you will be able to select your save and start exploring the universe.

Multiplayer in the middle of the game.

Let’s say you’ve been playing for a while. You’ve started a great foundation and are beginning to explore life on this planet when your friend jumps in. Adding friends to your group is not only possible from the beginning. Of course, your friend can use the above multiplayer option. But what if they were already online? Well, there is a way to add a friend to your game, even if both of you have already started the game.

no man's sky

The first thing you should do is press odds in your controller, then change to odds using tab R1 either L1. Once there, make your choice Mesh.

No Man's Sky setup

IN Mesh, you will notice that you will be able to control who is invited to your party, who can change the base, etc. It is important to check this before you go. You don’t want someone you don’t trust to be able to build on your foundation.

Adding friends to your game will bring you to this window, then select View No Man’s Sky friends list.

Invitation to no man's sky

From here, a list of your friends will appear. Just search for the friend you want to add from the same platform and select it. You will be given two options: “View Profile” (which is your console profile) or invite them. Once you’ve invited them, you’ll follow similar steps to invite your friends.

However, what if you want to play with someone on another console? If that’s the case, you’ll still want to get to this screen. At the bottom are the options for Show my No Man’s Sky friend code either Add a friend from No Man’s Sky. To play on multiple platforms, you or your friend will need to provide the friend code, while others will need to enter it.

One last thing worth mentioning is that while you’re working on Nexus missions from Space Anamoly, other players can join your party. Sometimes when you’re doing Nexus missions, other players who want to do the same mission will join your party or just join you for sports. If you ever need to kick someone out, come back to odds screen and hit Mesh again. From there, to the right, you’ll see a list of people in your group. Hover over the person you want to remove and select their name. This should give you the ability to give that person an advantage. It’s not always necessary, but it’s nice to be able to have some control over your game.

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