How to play with your Buddy in Pokémon Go

pokemon go It’s received a lot of new content over the years, but the Buddy Adventure update is still one of the best. This cool feature gives players more freedom when it comes to interacting with their virtual Pokémon, and it also comes with some cool gameplay perks. This is how to play with your Buddy pokemon go.

What is Buddy Adventure?

Niantic released the Buddy Adventure update in late 2019. It gave trainers the ability to designate a Pokemon as their friend and slowly build a bond with it. Trainers could give them treats in augmented reality (AR), play games with them, and even walk the world map together. As the friendship grows, Trainers also gain access to a variety of perks, such as CP boosts and new items.

how to play with pokemon go friends change friends
Jon Bitner / Digital Trends

How to choose your friend

playing with your friend pokemon go It’s easy to do. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: First, you will need to choose which Pokémon you want to be your friend. Don’t worry too much about it: you can change friends up to 20 times a day. If this is your first time using the Buddy system, tap the picture of your trainer at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2: Then go to Friend Menu.

Step 3 – Once this menu loads, the game will walk you through the basics of Buddy Adventure mechanics.

Step 4 – If you want to change your friend, it’s even easier. First, tap on your friend’s image at the bottom of the screen.

Step 5: Then scroll through the menu and press swap friends. You will be asked to confirm your selection and then your new friend will appear on the screen.

What Pokémon should be my friend?

Typically, you’ll want your Buddy to be the Pokemon you’re trying to earn Candy for. Pokémon friends receive candy as you explore the world and can earn it even faster if they’re in an “Excited” mood. Don’t worry, we’ll talk about that next.

Pokémon also get a CP Boost when they become “Best Buddy”. This means it’s important to make your strongest Pokémon your best friend, making it a true force to be reckoned with. If you don’t want to earn extra candy, it is highly recommended that you befriend your best Pokémon.

The Pokemon Go map screen shows the Buddy system.

How to communicate and play with your friend

Now that you’ve chosen a friend, you can interact with them in a variety of ways. The first thing you’ll want to do is feed them – when they’re full, they can join you on the map. To feed your friend, follow these simple steps:

Step 1 – Click on your friend’s portrait at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2: Click Berry icon at the top of the screen

Step 3 – Select an open location in your environment to bring up an AR version of your Buddy. If you are short on space, you can click the a quick deal to opt out of your phone’s AR capabilities.

Step 4: Finally, choose a treat for your Buddy and throw it towards its mouth the same way you would throw a Poké Ball at a wild Pokémon. You can keep track of his hunger level at the top of the screen, and when he’s full, he’ll join you on the map.

Step 5: Trainers can also play with their friends by selecting game after clicking on the pokemon’s portrait. Once you find space in your environment to release your AR Buddy, simply rub the screen to play with it. You’ll know it’s working properly if you get a reaction from the Pokémon: the to play together the option must also display a red heart on the back Friend Menu.

how to play with buddy pokemon go gyarados double image
Jon Bitner / Digital Trends

Level and mood of a friend.

Playing with your friend and exploring the map together is the key to become best friends and improve your mood. A Pokemon’s mood depends on how often you feed it and interact with it, which means it will drop over time if you neglect it. The best mood a Pokémon can reach is Excited, which will allow trainers to earn more Love Hearts that day. Excited Pokémon also reduce the distance it takes to walk to get Candy.

Friend levels, on the other hand, do not decrease. They are built over time by winning affectionate hearts through various tasks. If you are not sure what you can do to win hearts, go to Friend menu to see the complete list. Tasks include walking together, giving treats, and playing together. As you perform these tasks each day, you will slowly progress from good friends to best friends. Here’s a quick rundown of the different friend levels you can reach.

  • Good Friend: Your Pokémon will appear on the map as you explore, and a mood indicator will appear in the friends menu.
  • Awesome Friend – Helps catch wild Pokémon by bouncing Poké Balls towards the target. They will also bring you gifts as you explore the environment.
  • Ultra Buddy: A chance to find memories and win additional love hearts. Your Buddy will also direct you to places of interest – spin these PokéStops to earn another Love Heart.
  • Best Friend: Earn a CP Boost when you make him your friend. They’ll also wear a fancy ribbon to mark their Best Friend achievement.

It is important to communicate with your friend every day, both to maintain his mood and to quickly climb the best friend ladder. Activities reset daily, which means there should always be something new to tackle. Also, you can change your Buddy 20 times a day, and each Buddy has its own unique list of activities. Becoming best friends with your favorite Pokémon isn’t easy, but playing with them regularly is a good place to start.

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