How to preregister for Apex Legends Mobile

Apex Legends was a surprising drop that sent the gaming world into a frenzy when it happened. No one was ready or expecting this new approach to the Battle Royale genre to come out and be as polished, fun and distinguished as it was right out of the gate. Since then, updates have been relatively slow compared to the frequency of larger titles Fortnite, Apex Legends has enjoyed a healthy and consistent level of support throughout his life.

The next evolution in this free-to-play shooter was almost as shocking as the original game itself — the mobile version. Aptly named Apex Legends Mobile, this upcoming port of the hero-based Battle Royale will hit Android and iOS devices on May 17, this time giving players the chance to pre-register to ensure a smooth entry-level experience. With the promise of new modes and features not seen in the PC or console version, you’ll want to make sure you get in early to get a head start. Here’s how to pre-register for Apex Legends Mobile.

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A legend who shoots the enemy with a shotgun.

Image used with permission of the copyright holder

What is Apex Legends Mobile?

Apex Legends Mobile it’s not just a mobile port for the console and PC version of the game. Since it is its own platform, Apex Legends Mobile it will not have any crossplay functionality with either console or PC platforms, nor will it have its own special progression system. Respawn stated that the game was built from the ground up with “modernized controls and thoughtful optimizations that result in the most advanced combat available on a phone.”

Apex Legends Mobile it will initially launch with 10 legendaries, with more to come later, including ones unique to this version of the game. Two maps will also be available: World’s Edge and Kings Canyon, albeit with some new changes that will “excite old-school fans.”

Finally, apart from the expected Battle Royale mode, Apex Legends Mobile will also get some exclusive mods that will bring “new ways to play with friends” and “explore the world Apex Legends.”

The Wraith body slams the enemy.

Image used with permission of the copyright holder

How to pre-register on Android

Starting with the Android platform, here’s how you can easily pre-register for Apex Legends Mobile.

Step 1: Go to Apex Legends Mobiletarget=”_blank”> official website.

Step 2: Click on Pre-order on Google Play button at the top of the page.

Step 3: Click on Pre-registration.

Step 4: Wait for the game to launch for your notification!

Teams of legends fall from the sky leaving behind colored smoke.

Image used with permission of the copyright holder

How to pre-register on iOS

Pre-registration on iOS devices is just as easy as on Android. Here are all the steps you need to take.

Step 1: Go to Apex Legends Mobiletarget=”_blank”> official website.

Step 2: Fill in your details and press sign up.

Step 3: Wait for the game to launch for your notification!

What do you get with pre-registration?

Except I was the first to know the moment Apex Legends Mobile is ready to play, you will also be entitled to some exclusive cosmetic items. If you pre-register, you will receive the following bonuses:

  • Pre-registered banner badge
  • Fateful Games banner frame
  • On target Hunting dog pose
  • Tooth cutter R-99 skin
  • Skin Molten Earth Epic Bloodhound

If 15 million people pre-register before launch, you’ll also get the Holo Spray, and if it reaches 25 million, you can also get the new Pathfinder skin.

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