How To Put On Your Perfume: 4 Little-Known Tips To Make It Smell Great And Last Longer

Everyone knows someone who smells good every time you meet them and whose scent is always noticeable but never overpowering.

Everyone knows someone who smells good every time you meet them and whose scent is always noticeable but never overpowering.

When it comes to perfume, most people feel like they are juggling two extremes: either they apply perfume so sparingly that it evaporates in an instant, or they use it so much that it makes them dizzy. everyone around them. In reality, the correct application of perfume and its persistence do not depend so much on the amount used, as on the right – often unexpected – parts of the body and the moment of the beauty routine.

Most people think that perfume should be the last step in their beauty routine. Before they leave the house, they spray it on their skin, hair and clothes, thinking that this is the best way to smell good and make the smell last longer. Mistake: The scent is released most intensely when applied immediately after showering or bathing on dry but still slightly moist and warm skin.

Dry skin literally absorbs the fragrance, preventing it from reaching its full potential. It is much better to apply moisturizer to the skin before perfume. It is ideal to use a body cream, so that the smell of skin care products does not mix with the smell of perfume. Then spray the perfume on key parts of the body. That is, on the wrists, the folds of the arms, the neck and the lobes of the ears. Body heat is especially important in these places, which brings out the essence more intensively.

Among the areas on which you must spray perfume is, not coincidentally, the navel. Located in the center of the body, it heats up especially intensively, so it is precisely in this place that perfumes develop ideally. The fact that the abdomen is often covered by clothes is not a disadvantage, on the contrary, it allows the perfume molecules not to evaporate quickly.

There’s no doubt that hair is an excellent transmitter of scent: if the strands are blown by the wind or tossed around, everyone around you will notice the scent. However, due to the high alcohol content, the perfume dries out the hair in the long run. That’s why it’s good to buy a specific hair perfume. It does not contain alcohol or contains much less alcohol and protects hair from moisture loss. Some hair perfumes also contain nourishing oils that add shine.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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