How to Use Bad Language Without Getting in Trouble

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People have different ideas about the use of obscene language. If you’re young, swearing can get you into big trouble. Using foul language can make you feel more grown up and appear “cool.” However, swearing can easily offend someone if you’re not careful. There are certain times when you should avoid using profanity, and if you’re trying to stay out of trouble, there are certain places to avoid it.

  1. Image titled Use bad language without getting in trouble Step 1

    Ask your parents what you can say. Sometimes parents are more likely to allow certain words to be spoken than others. Having a serious conversation and establishing ground rules for swearing could make your parents trust you more in the future. “Because communication is a two-way street, the way you speak can affect how well parents hear and understand you.”[1]

    • You might want to say something in a polite tone, such as “I feel like I’m getting old enough to say certain things that I couldn’t say before. I want to introduce this idea to you and see if you think maybe now I can say certain words that are less offensive than others”.
    • Keep in mind that your parents can still deny your request for permission to use obscene language. “But graciously accepting can’t help you get more ‘yes’ answers in the future.”[2]
  2. Image titled Use bad language without getting in trouble Step 2

    Be aware of who is around you. If you swear at home, you are giving everyone in your house a chance to hear you. Make sure your parents are a few rooms away before you say a bad word.

    • Also consider avoiding swearing in front of your younger siblings, as they might try to imitate you in front of their parents. “Older siblings are more influential.”[3]
  3. Image titled Use bad language without getting in trouble Step 3

    Choose your words wisely. “As culture changes, so does what’s taboo.”[4]
    The word “taboo” simply means something that is prohibited. Basically, some swear words are more accepted than others. It’s best to come up with a list of swear words that you find acceptable and won’t accidentally offend someone. Practice using these words and avoid the most offensive ones.

  4. Image titled Use bad language without getting in trouble Step 4

    Don’t swear in front of your friends’ parents. Even if you’re not home, other parents and adults can relay what you said to your parents. You may think you are safe from punishment, but your parents can find out things without you knowing.

  1. Image titled Use bad language without getting in trouble Step 5

    Avoid swearing during class or at your teacher. Remember, teachers are adults. Cursing in front of a teacher can result in being sent to the principal’s office. Every teacher is different, and some may not resort to the harshest punishment, but it’s best to play it safe and avoid swearing during class.

    • Try to remember that other students have different rules at home and may be allowed to use profanity. When this extends to the classroom, it may seem okay to swear, but remember, “You can hear it, but you shouldn’t use it.”[5]
  2. Image titled Use bad language without getting in trouble Step 6

    Use profanity during rush hours or class changes. It’s easier to escape if someone can’t hear you if there’s a lot going on. Unless a school official is standing right next to you, you’re less likely to get punished for swearing if there are plenty of people in the hallway to be monitored and watched until the next class.

    • Some teachers admit to being more lenient with swearing in the hallways. “Whether I’m in a hallway or in a classroom, when I hear an offensive word, I just yell “Language, please” at the person(s) in a polite tone and usually the response children’s immediate response is “Wow, I’m sorry!”[6]
  3. Image titled Use bad language without getting in trouble Step 7

    Apologize if the teacher listens to you. Sometimes it’s easy to swear if your book falls or your backpack breaks. In these cases, if the teacher overhears you and starts looking at you, it’s best to be honest and apologize for the outburst. The teacher will probably let it go if he doesn’t hear you swear often.

    • If the teacher overhears you, the best thing to do is look them in the eye as an apology and say something like, “I’m so sorry I said that, it was totally frustrating. I won’t let it happen again.”
  4. Image titled Use bad language without getting in trouble Step 8

    Practice being courteous to school administrators. It’s easier to avoid bad expressions in the company of important people if you practice your manners. Make sure there is a difference between the way you talk to your friends and the way you talk to school administrators. The most important people to speak politely to are:

    • Major
    • vice principal
    • Board of Education Members
    • secretaries
    • school nurses
    • Teachers
    • Trainers
    • student teachers
  1. Image titled Use bad language without getting in trouble Step 9

    Make sure your friends agree to swear. Some friends aren’t comfortable with profanity and may take offense even when you don’t mean to offend them. Every parent has a different approach to growing and learning, so some people may be more accepting of profanity, while others may reject it. The last thing you want is to lose a friend because of the words you say.

  2. Image titled Use bad language without getting in trouble Step 10

    Ask your friends to keep it a secret. If a friend does not know how to keep a secret, then it is not worth swearing around him. Also, it is better to curse friends who are also trying to escape. Being around friends who swear freely and openly makes adults think you might be swearing even when they’re not around.

    • An added benefit of keeping secrets is a stronger bond with friends. “Being able to maintain trust increases people’s trust in you, which allows for the kind of conversations that deepen relationships.”[7]
  3. Image titled Use bad language without getting in trouble Step 11

    Don’t get too used to swearing with your friends. Sometimes you feel too comfortable cursing people you trust. If that happens, you could accidentally curse your family. This is a quick and easy way to get into trouble.

  • Even when you’re older, some words aren’t widely accepted. Using these words may not result in punishment as an adult, but there are always consequences for using them. ⧼thumbs_response⧽ Helpful 7 Not Helpful 2

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