How to Use Technology to Say Thank You?

In today’s digital world, it’s easy to become isolated from those around you. Though you may not physically see the people that you work with, game with, or communicate with online, it’s still important to tell them thank you when they have a positive impact on your life. Practicing gratitude is important in both personal and professional relationships. If you don’t have live interactions with those you need to thank, you can try these tactics to let them know they’re appreciated.

Create Personalized GIFs

GIFs are an entertaining and playful way to say thank you. The internet offers an abundance of options that you can pull from, but you can add a personalized touch to your message by making one of your own. If you’re skilled with this type of digital art, you might even create a GIF that uses a photo of yourself, the recipient, or someone you both know.

Record YouTube Videos

If you’re working remotely and isolated from those you work with, a YouTube video is a great way to put your sincere voice and smiling face with your message of thanks. With a video, you can show as much as tell the recipient about your gratitude. Perhaps you’ll wear the dress you’re thanking your grandma for, or offer a video tour of the new office to donors who supported the construction.

Send Handwritten Notes

Modern technology can extend beyond digital thank-yous into the physical realm. There are many ways to say thank you with pen and paper while still utilizing modern tech. This service relies on robotic hands to provide an authentic script for your thank-you notes.

Send Online Gifts

Using technology, you can send a gift card, ticket, or another gift with just a few clicks. When you want to give more than just a message of thanks, these are great ways to add emphasis to a grateful email.

Post a Public Thank You

Do you want to shout your thanks from a mountaintop? Use social media to say thank you publicly. This is especially meaningful in some business situations. Thanking an artist for their custom painting by posting a picture of it on social media can help that artist get more commissions. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram make it easy to highlight individuals’ efforts before the public so they get the kind of big thanks they deserve.

Make a Digital Greeting Card

There are numerous sites that will let you make a digital greeting card to email to individuals when you want to say thanks. This is handy for a small gesture of thanks when you simply want to go a bit beyond a traditional email. Do mention to the recipient that you’ve sent this type of card so it doesn’t get lost in a junk folder.

Technology is a great tool for saying thank you to those that are having a positive impact on your life. With the internet and other digital products at your disposal, you can show your gratitude even when you don’t see people in person.

Categories: How to

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