Hunter X Hunter: 10 Best Killua Quotes

When it comes to multifaceted characters, Killua Zoldyck from Hunter X Hunter delivers on many counts. Born into a family of assassins, he runs away from home at age 12 to take the Hunter Exam. There he meets his first friend, Gon Freecss, and his journey of self-discovery begins.

From precocious young boy to protective older brother, Killua goes through many changes on his quest to figure out his true purpose. His evolution is marked by some of the most touching and devastating quotes from any character in the show, demonstrating the depth of his development and bringing him to life for viewers.

Getting To Know Killua

“I Slashed My Mom In The Face, Stabbed My Brother In The Side, And Ran Away From Home.”

Killua's serious face in HxH

Killua is describing to Gon how he escaped his family. Sitting on an airship against the backdrop of a beautiful city view, Killua reveals that he’s from the infamous Zoldyck family of assassins and that they want him to take over someday, a fate he’s desperate to avoid.

What makes this so memorable isn’t only how gleefully Killua says it or how he talks about hunting down his family like nothing would make him happier – it’s the first time Killua’s backstory as an assassin prodigy is brought up. It also sets him apart from the rest of his family, a recurring theme that becomes the focal point of his character.

All About The Technique

“Well It Wasn’t A Technique Really, I Just Ripped It Out.”

Hunter x Hunter's Melody and Killua

This quote comes after Killua removes Johness’s heart at Trick Tower and Kurapika asks him how he did it. A straight-faced Killua answers that he simply ripped it out, then demonstrates how he manipulates his fingers into claws to make it easier.

The fight at Trick Tower is the first time Hunter X Hunter truly shows the full extent of Killua’s abilities, making this line both funny and chilling. The deadpan delivery on such a grim subject is darkly hilarious, but it also gives an idea of just how dangerous Killua is. It provides more insight into Killua’s upbringing as an assassin and sets the tone for the power he’ll be wielding in episodes to come.

Leave It All Behind

“I’m Just So Sick Of Killing People. I Want To Be Friends With Gon.”

Gon and Killua looking angry in Hunter x Hunter

In a shocking twist, Killua has to face his older brother, Illumi, in the final phase of the Hunter Exam. When Illumi uses Nen-fueled mind control to try and make Killua forfeit, suggesting he’s only a puppet for the Zoldyck family, he fights back by holding onto one truth: he wants to be friends with Gon.

This shows how different Killua is from his family and sets him on the path towards creating his own destiny. It’s the first time he’s ever stood up to Illumi, one of the only people he fears. It’s also the first time he acknowledges his friendship with Gon, a relationship that quickly becomes part of his new identity and drives the majority of his actions.

Lessons On Humility

“Wow, I’m So Humble!”

Killua smiling in Hunter x Hunter

Killua draws a long line in the dirt to demonstrate the strength gap between Gon and Hisoka, much to Gon’s dismay. When Gon asks what the gap between Killua and Hisoka is, Killua draws a much shorter line and thinks to himself how humble he is for admitting there’s a gap at all.

Killua’s boyish lack of self-awareness (and the cat face he makes while saying this line) brings viewers a much-welcomed chuckle. His inability to realize how outclassed he is by Hisoka speaks to his youthful inexperience. It’s a lighthearted moment that shows how much of a child Killua still is, despite the horrors he’s been through.

It’s Okay, He’s Only 12

“There’s Nothing I Want To Do. You Have Your Thing, I Don’t Have Anything.”

Killua looking back in Hunter x Hunter

Killua and Gon are relaxing under the stars on Whale Island after a long day of playing in the forest and just being kids. Gon tells Killua about his plans to go to Yorknew City and search for his dad, causing Killua to realize he has no idea what he wants to do next.

Killua has been with Gon ever since Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika rescued him from his family. Everything he’s done so far has been to further Gon’s ambitions and for the first time, it hits Killua that he’s never thought about his future beyond being free of his family. Though he stays with Gon for a long time to come, the seed of discovering his “thing” is planted here.

The Power of Friendship

“Gon, You Are Light Itself.”

Gon Freecss smiling and doing a peace sign in Hunter x Hunter

This private thought is heard after Gon wakes up from an encounter with Neferpitou. Killua is upset with himself for running away and leaving Kite behind, and an optimistic Gon reassures him that Kite is still alive. Gon’s overwhelming positivity in contrast to Killua’s grim outlook brings forth this touching sentiment.

Killua, underneath his bravado, is a traumatized child with a diminished sense of self-worth. He feels as though he’s a coward, undeserving of goodness. In his mind, he doesn’t have the capacity for that “light” he so desperately craves, so he looks outwardly for it. This quote simultaneously shows the depth of Killua’s self-loathing and admiration for his best friend, who fills a perceived void in his soul.

Being The Light He Always Desired

“Guess I Was The Only One Who Thought We Were Friends Already.”

Iklago raising his hands in Hunter x Hunter

When Killua saves the life of chimera ant Ikalgo, the ant can’t help but return the favor. After recovering, Killua’s ready to get back in the fight, but not without his new friend. Ikalgo hesitates, wondering if he is worthy to come along, so Killua drops this invitation for Ikalgo to follow him.

Killua has come far. He’s starting to realize that he does have the capacity for good, and he’s able to pay it forward. Ikalgo wrestles with similar issues of self-hatred and Killua is able to be the light for him just as Gon was for Killua. In a full-circle moment, Ikalgo’s emotional reaction to this quote mirrors the way Killua feels about Gon.

It’s Okay To Feel Sad

“I Can’t Help Him Anymore!”

Killua frowning in Hunter x Hunter

While fighting with newly-created chimera ant Palm, Killua comes to this heartbreaking conclusion. He knows how much pain Gon is in over what happened to Kite, and that if he sees Palm as an ant, he will “totally snap.” Killua realizes he’s powerless to save Gon from himself.

Arguably the most heartbreaking quote from Hunter X Hunter, at this moment, Killua feels like Gon is completely beyond his reach. He’s said everything he can think of to curb Gon’s irrational revenge quest and it hasn’t worked. As Killua breaks down and cries, his devastation at watching his light go dark and not being able to stop it is palpable.

The Best Big Brother

“If I Were The Only Person Who Really Loved You In The Whole World, Well, Would That Make You Sad?”

Nanika manifesting in Alluka's body in HxH.

Killua and his sister Alluka are on the run from their family in a desperate attempt to save Gon. Locked away by the Zoldycks for the power her alter ego Nanika holds, Alluka wonders whether or not everyone would be better off without her. Killua responds with this heart-wrenching question.

This represents Killua’s determination to make his sister feel validated, even if he’s the only one providing that. It’s a huge step in the direction of deciding where he wants his life to go and who he wants to be involved in it. He even offers his sister a choice by asking if it would make her sad, giving her the autonomy that neither of them received from their family.

Newfound Identity

“And Now I’m Going To Protect Her For The Rest Of My Life.”

Killua Zoldyck and Alluka Zoldyck standing side by side

In this bittersweet scene, Killua introduces Alluka and Nanika to a recently recovered Gon. He reveals that he’s finally figured out what he wants to do with his life – protect his little sister.

This quote is poignant because Killua’s journey of self-discovery and his time with Gon are ending. He knows who he is now, a person who wants to love and be loved while defending others from the harm he experienced, expressed through his desire to protect his sister for the rest of his days. It’s a sad goodbye to Gon but a happy ending for Killua who is now at peace with himself.

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