IMAGE. A real hero. How a boy saved a dog from drowning while walking on the pier

Raden, then 20 years old, walked along the pier and threw his grandmother’s trash in the bin. The boy couldn’t even think that he would help and save another life.

It was a windy day. A small dog named Bibi was accidentally thrown in the trash. The dog’s owner is named Sue. He was very sad and desperate because he couldn’t swim towards the dog and save the drowning dog’s life.

People just look at the drowning dog and what’s going on without paying too much attention. Raden swam into the water because he wanted to save a hopeless drowning dog.

Fortunately, Raden caught the drowning dog and pulled it out of the water. He picked up the drowned dog, and in the meantime, the dog’s owner pulled him out.

The dog’s owner happily embraces the heroic boy as an expression of gratitude. After this incident, they will pay more attention to their dog when they are on the dock.

If it weren’t for the unusually good boy, it would not have been possible to save the dog from drowning in the water because it was very difficult to swim to the sea.

Fortunately, the owner of the drowning dog came across this unusually kind and generous boy, who turned out to be a real hero.

The boy was in the right place at the right time. The owner thanked him for his bravery.

He could have saved her favorite dog’s life.

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