IQ Test Quiz: Can you move 1 matchstick to solve the equation in 9 seconds?

Quiz IQ Test: If you like to solve puzzles and riddles in your free time, then this quiz is just for you! Brain Puzzles makes simple puzzles more fun by adding an element of fun to the puzzle. With these types of IQ quizzes, you must carefully analyze the problem and come to the answer with your analytical and logical reasoning skills. You have to think creatively to come up with a solution because the answer won’t be right in front of you. So we came up with a fun puzzle where you only need to move 1 matchstick to correct the equation in the picture.

IQ Test Quiz: Can you move 1 matchstick to correct the equation in the picture?


In the above puzzle, you need to move a matchstick so that the equation becomes correct. A sober mind can solve this puzzle in 9 seconds. You must carefully analyze the equation and the mathematical symbols shown in the figure. Be warned that the answers to this conundrum are given right below the question, so be careful not to scroll too far and cheat!

Advice: The rule applies: LHS = RHS.

Can you solve the match equation in 9 seconds?

In this quiz game, moving 1 matchstick from left to right will help you find the answer.

Given an equation, 8 + 3 – 4 = 0 is written with a matchstick. You can correct the equation in three ways as listed below:

Answer number 1

Pick the stick from the first 8 so that it turns into the shape of a 9 and place it on the RHS number so it becomes an 8.

LHS = 9 + 3 – 4 = 12 – 4 = 8

RHS = 8



Answer number 2

Pick a stick from the first 8 so it turns into a 6 and place it on a 4 so it becomes a 9.

LHS = 6+3-9=9-9=0

RHS = 0



Answer number 3

Pick the wand from the third number 4 so that it turns into number 11.

LHS = 8+3-11=11-11=0

RHS = 0



This puzzle is difficult but simple because it takes less time and mind to solve. But it sure is great when you discover the answer in just a few seconds. This brain game is just another fun way to test your IQ. However, taking an actual IQ test is a good way to know your IQ level. So tell us, did you solve the matchstick equation correctly in this IQ quiz?

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