Kim Kyung-jin Bio, Age, Wife, Height, Netflix’s Physical 100

Kim Kyung-jin starred on Netflix physically 100 but the fans were disappointed when he lost in episode 2. When they found out that he had children and a partner, they were even more disappointed. So who is his wife? How old is he? What about his height?

Tag yourself and find out all about him below.

Kim Kyung-jin on Netflix’s Physical 100

Kim Kyung-Jin, who was one of the 100 contestants on Physical 100, joined the competition show believing that she has what it takes to win the show. Kyung-Jin’s journey was not long on the show as he was eliminated in the second episode. He presented himself as a nice and fit farmer who took up farming five years ago.

He added that his physique is what keeps him confident. In a deadly one-on-one battle, Singles Inferno star Cha Hyun-seung took on Kim Kung Jin. Although it was a close fight, Cha Hyun-seung won in the end.

He claimed that he chose Hyun-seung as his opponent due to his short stature. Because of this, he believed that he could beat the experienced Singles player Inferno, but unfortunately, Kim’s strategy backfired. He was disappointed to lose to a guy half his size. Speaking about his return, he added, “I’ll go back to harvesting sweet potatoes, pumpkins and planting cabbages.”

Unfortunately, Kyung-Jin’s time on the Physical 100 and his chances to win $300,000,000 ended in defeat. Other watchers couldn’t help but notice how attractive the duo was even though they were “fighting to the death,” and it seems viewers couldn’t help but do the same.

However, he definitely impressed and gained a handful of fans who wanted to know more about him.

physically 100 is Netflix’s first Korean survival series. On January 24, 2023, the first two episodes were released on the streaming service and many viewers saw what it was all about. If the top 10 TV shows on Netflix are any indication, Physical: 100 is doing very well. It currently sits at number 7 and doesn’t look like it’s going to drop anytime soon as of January 26.

Jang Ho-gi is the creator of the reality competition show Physical: 100. There are nine episodes in total and two new episodes are released on Netflix every Tuesday. The show follows 100 competitors of different ages, genders, and physical characteristics. They engage in a fierce competition with each other to show off their physical strength for a chance to win the title of “most perfect physique.”

Of course, the winner will also receive a cash prize of 300,000,000 (WON). The cast includes national team players, weightlifters, actresses, bodybuilders, ice climbers, influencers, TV personalities, MMA fighters, and others from various professions. In fact, you may be able to identify some of the competitors.

Kim Kyung-jin’s wife

Kim Kyung-jin’s partner or wife is named Mija (@dogmija). He still hasn’t introduced his wife on his social media since she doesn’t appear on his IG. Even Mia’s own IG is currently private, containing 535 posts and 326 followers. However, comments from a few years ago state that they are life partners.

However, she did post photos of her two children: an older son and a younger daughter named Robin. Her son is currently 6 years old and her daughter is 2 years old.

After seeing him on Physical 100, fans took a look at the star’s Instagram, but were heartbroken when they found out he had a family. One follower commented: “Dad? Is he married? God, why?” Another quipped, “He has a son. He back off, I said back off.”

How old is Kim Kyung-jin?

In 2022, Kim Kyung-jin should be over 30 years old.

Kim Kyung-jin’s work

Kim Kyung-jin is a farmer and has been doing this job for five years. Before that, he was a fitness enthusiast and instructor. He started as a coach and taught TZK at the university. He now grows products that are good for human health. He won Muscle Mania Korea 2010′ and is a WBFF Pro. He probably hasn’t competed since 2014.

In addition, he also worked as a teacher in the Modeling Department of the Korea International Art Institute in the sports management department for fitness dream trees. He also worked as a teacher in the Department of Physical Education at Kyungwoon University.

He also worked with DyourBody. DyourBody is a fitness app and gives you How to lead a healthy LIFE.

Now, as a farmer, he mainly grows pumpkins, sweet potatoes, corn, various vegetables, and other crops. His work body farmer he also collaborated with other companies to promote his product. In May 2022, Body Farmer, Hyde Farm, Melkang Seed, and chef Choi Hyun-ho joined forces to create a cooking show.

It also appears on YouTube.

Height of Kim Kyung-jin

Kim Kyung-jin is over 6 feet tall.

Related FAQ

  • Where is Kim Kyung-jin from?

Kim Kyung-jin currently works as a farmer in Haenam.

  • When is Kim Kyung-jin’s birthday?

Kim Kyung-jin’s birthday is not yet known.

  • Is Kim Kyung-jin on Instagram?

Yes, Kim Kyung-jin has two Instagram accounts (@momjjannngnongbu and @momjjannngnongbu_farm).

Categories: Biography

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