King Canute True Story & What Happens To Him In Vikings: Valhalla

Warning: Spoiler for Netflix Vikings: Valhalla.

King Canute, later known by history as Canute the Great, appeared in Vikings: Valhalla As one of the main characters, most of his episodes and what happens to him in the series follow true stories about real historical figures. Vikings: Valhalla The cast is based on true history, despite various creative liberties exercised with it, and Kanoute is no exception. But unlike some unrecognizable Valhalla Historical figures like Leif Eriksson, the story of Canute Vikings: Valhalla More representatives of his real historical opponents.

Kanoute’s credits on the show so far have certainly been plenty, and he clearly has bigger ambitions than he currently has. Having successfully seized the British throne, Canute set his sights on the next installment in his plan to realize his dream of building an empire in Northern Europe, which he spoke more openly about after conquering London. While it’s fair to say that the historical events on which the film is based are somewhat condensed and romanticized, it’s equally fair to acknowledge the true story on which the film is based.

Behind the main story of the film is a true story, and it created a heartbreaking ending for many people. Vikings: Valhalla characters and plot. Those who understand Canute’s historical relevance in real life know that he is destined for some degree of greatness on the show, which seems to be confirmed by Canute’s expressed ambition. However, what that true story is and how great Canute will be beyond what the show has told remains to be seen. Here is a comparison between the event version of the show and the real Canute.

How Canute Is Different in Vikings: Valhalla

Knut and Edric Streona

the role of canute Vikings: Valhalla A fierce and cunning man, one open to both paganism and Christianity, some of which do not seem so far removed from historical truth. One of the most notable parts of the historical Canute figure is his piety and devotion to the Church, especially the Church of England, although his motives may be more obscure. Vikings: Valhalla The story of Norse Christianity and paganism is very true in history. Although Canute is actually a Christian and is faithful to his religion, it should be noted that the Nordic/Viking lifestyle is much more common among Scandinavians than it is in the British.

While this cultural conflict is most evident in the show’s plot, it plays out in different ways. The show seemed to pit two “facts” against each other, converts to Christianity and followers of the old gods, leaving leaders like Canute in the middle to try to balance the two. While this is by no means far-fetched, it largely ignores the tricky part of real-life Canute church relationships that seems to be fixed by buying back the church with donations and shrines. compensate. Vikings: Valhalla The characters end up being more complex than the movie leads the viewer to believe. While Kanoute’s religious beliefs and even some of the personal traits he shows on the show are real, he could be more ruthless in real life and his historical achievements are the result of purchasing power rather than good intentions.

How and when Canute really became king of England

Canute victory among the Vikings

While Canute’s historical figures are faithfully represented in the show, the timeline of events is less clear and historically accurate. In fact, the massacre of St. Bryce puts the show’s plot into action that happened about 14 years before Canute ascended to the British throne, and the retaliatory Norse invasion was actually led by Canute’s father, Sweyn Forkbeard. Vikings: Valhalla The timeline is inevitably flawed, while Canute may have been present during his father’s invasion, but he didn’t have a major influence on it.

Instead, Canute’s invasion takes place years later, and the fighting doesn’t unfold as quickly as it does in the movies. War spread across England, from Dorset and Wessex, to the capture of Northumbria, to the fighting in Essex. The betrayal of individuals like Eadric Streona on the show is historically real, though not so much in terms of time and place. King Edmund’s final defeat saw Canute rule the lands north of the Thames, the rest of England committed to him after Edmund’s death, an event that would take place a few weeks later in a situation that has been lost in history. Vikings: Valhalla Fabricated, many fabricated stories are still true.

when canute becomes king of denmark

The serious-looking king sits on the Vikings throne Valhalla

A more confusing change Vikings: Valhalla Canute’s timeline begins with him being the King of Denmark. In real life, Canute actually took the British throne before Denmark, as his younger brother Harald (unlike Harald in the movie) took the Danish throne. , lest there’s too much Harald in the plot (consider Harald Sigurdsson’s Valhalla join). It should be noted, however, that Canute was not king until victory over the English.

Compared to the episodes, history tells of Knut ascending to the Danish throne due to the death of his brother, and Knut going to Denmark to ascend the throne. While it’s relatively inconsequential to the show’s story, it’s still odd that Canute appears to have left England in a similar time frame on the show. Despite that, within a few short years, Canute had consolidated his position as king of Denmark and England. However, his ambitions did not stop there.

Is Canute’s dream of a northern empire real? Is he successful?

king boat

In addition to his longing for the British throne, Canute talks about creating a northern empire in the play, in keeping with the wishes of his historical rival. Vikings‘ Ragnar is still important to the character Vikings: Valhalla, Inspiring the greatness of all those who aspire to glory, the historic Canute also fosters a thirst for glory. In real life, Canute’s dream of a northern empire has certainly come true, and his North Sea empire has achieved it, uniting the thrones of England, Denmark, Norway, and even Norway. even Sweden and the Baltic coast.

While this empire-building was a cumulative process, with Norway being annexed 10 years after Denmark and just 7 years before Kanute’s final death, it’s worth checking Vikings: Valhalla At the same time, its geography is still limited; however, the show’s geography must also expand if it is to attempt to track down Canute’s true achievements. The strength and scope of the Canute Empire rivaled some of the most powerful empires of the time, such as the Holy Roman Empire (albeit for a short time), and as such, Canute was probably is remembered as the most effective ruler in the history of Anglo Saxon England.

Why did Canute disappear from Valhalla’s story and what’s next

knut and godwin

In the second half Vikings: Valhalla In Season 1, Canute is called out of England to deal with a man named Wends. While this historically refers to a large group of people, the show may refer to Kanute’s quarrel with the people of the Baltic region. Although with Vikings In many respects, Wends mentioned in the text Valhalla Possibly occupying the same geographic area that Ragnar gets tired of raiding for meager rewards, prompts him to sail to England in the first place. While this is a gentle and perhaps even unintentional nod to the beginning of the original series, it is also a somewhat honest reflection of Canute’s true history, as he not only ruled lands in the region but also found its way to the British. Wars were also waged in the area after the throne. Perhaps the most notable part of Canoute’s absence, however, was Godwin’s stay in England. Historically, he fought with Knut against the Wende family, and what he did earned the king’s unique trust.

However, the possibility of their relationship developing elsewhere remains, as Godwin’s importance to the plot is Vikings: ValhallaThe setup gave Rollo the ultimate victory over Ragnar. Historically, Godwin’s son Harold ascended the English throne in 1066. He lost him in a series of battles shortly thereafter, and Rollo’s descendant, William of Normandy, took the English throne. The show will no doubt explore Godwin’s further development as this tumultuous period in history unfolds as Godwin’s influence grows in the Canute court.

Thus, Canute’s conquest of England set a series of events on an unstoppable path. Although condensing and rewriting history in Vikings: Valhallaand clearly intended to respect the narrative rhythm of true history, has already begun to establish possible conflicts in later sections.forward Vikings: Valhalla However, going too far into the future, there is still a lot of Canute’s story to tell, and a lot of interesting things in his true history just waiting to be portrayed.

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