Law bioethics and LDCS : a new green light from the Assembly to the reform of the filiation

Parentage will be determined for the woman who gave birth by her mark in the maternity certificate, and for the woman who did not carry a child.

For a woman who has given birth, parentage will be determined by her mark in the maternity certificate, and for a woman who has not carried a child, by joint recognition.

The National Assembly on Thursday night reaffirmed the delicate childhood reform linked to the opening of the LDCS to all women, with the right condemning the “deep shock” that came from the DIY.

This reform, adopted in the second reading of the bioethics bill by 62 votes to 15, is the result of opening medically assisted reproduction (PMA) to lesbian couples and single women, the flagship measure of the text confirmed on Wednesday evening. Female couples will have to undergo an early recognition of the child by a notary public, as will unmarried heterosexual couples.

READ ALSO >> Why the Senate said, “yes, but” to LDCS for everything

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Parentage will be established in relation to the woman who gave birth by marking it in the maternity certificate, while the parentage of the woman who did not give birth will be established by joint recognition. Couples of women who applied to the PMA abroad before the act can also make a joint acknowledgment to establish parentage three years after the publication of the text. Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti is committed to dealing with situations that are not provided for in the state, such as when couples are separated from LDCS.

“Real Revolution”

elected officials of the LR or IDU have been urged to “a real revolution of grandfathering rights”, by breaking the “link with organic probability”, Annie Genevard (LR) accusing the government of being “obsessed” with the idea of ​​equality.

Like the Senate in the first reading, the right-wing elected representatives advocated establishing the parentage of the future mother, the one who did not give birth, by adoption. But the Keeper of the Seal replied that this would create a “distortion” between two women with “the same project”.

READ ALSO >> Law on Bioethics: The National Assembly rejected the new PMA, post mortem

“The law must take into account the evolution of society,” he argued, admitting that the formula angered the right that the text “disrupts the civil code that ‘mom and dad’ knew”. Co-rapporteur Coralie Dubost (LREM) also believed that the adoption process “turns the whole philosophy of the text on its head”.

“A woman who gives birth is a mother. But a woman who gives birth, but who was in the parental project from the beginning, is equally a mother. (…) We do not want another mother to adopt her child”, with the support of Aurora Bergé (LREM).

Read our full file

Law on bioethics: a new step soon in the Assembly The National Assembly votes again on the opening of LDCS to all women draft law on bioethics: opponents on the right fight to be heard

The long exchanges between the right and the majority over family design perspectives were a little poisoned in the evening. The minister’s terse responses to some of the amendments also drew criticism. “I am intervening in the process that I am taking over”, he admitted right at the beginning, believing that the found balances must be “maintained”.

Updated date: July 31, 2020, 4:58 p.m

Categories: Optical Illusion

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