Lions try to hunt lost baby elephant. Watch bone-chilling video

A heart-wrenching video has gone viral on the internet. It shows how a group of lions found an opportunity to catch a baby elephant. The video was shared on the Latest Sightings YouTube channel. It was originally shot by Brent Schnupp in the Kruger National Park in South Africa.

The lion runs after the elephant.  (YouTube/@Latest Sightings) The lion runs after the elephant. (YouTube/@Latest Sightings)

“We came across a male lion casually crossing the road. He went to a small puddle. To our surprise, two other lions appeared out of nowhere and joined him — a younger male and a female. They seemed to be enjoying a peaceful moment of coexistence. However, , the tranquility was short-lived. Our attention was drawn to an adult female elephant coming out of the thicket in front of us. She appeared to be in distress and hurriedly crossing the road. Little did we know at the time that she had left her vulnerable calf behind,” Schnupp told Latest Sightings.

He further added, “The lions, sensing an opportunity, came out onto the road and soon realized that the mother elephant had left her cub behind. The younger male lion took the lead in chasing the helpless elephant. In contrast, the older male lion just stood there and looked on, while the lioness also seemed disinterested.” (Also Read: Lions Attacking Wildebeest Stop Safari Cars. Watch)

The video begins to show a baby elephant trying to find its mom. While he is searching, three lions follow him closely. At one point the elephant even turns around, which scares the lions. However, in the end, the elephant is able to escape before the lions get too close.

Watch a video of lions chasing a lost elephant here:

This post was shared on September 26th. Since it was shared, it has been viewed more than eight million times. The share was also liked more than 1000 times.

Many even took to the comments section of the post to share their reactions.

Here’s what people are saying about this clip:

The individual wrote: “Elephant did so well! Always keep an eye on what’s behind.”

Another added: “Those lions look well fed. If they were hungry they would be quite fast.”

“Damn it! It’s unbelievable that this little one got away alive and the lions left him alone. Because lions are classic opportunists who will never have the courage to attack an adult bull elephant 4 meters tall and weighing about 7 tons. They are capable of killing an adult lion with one punching, throwing in the air, crushing or trampling,” another posted. (Also Read: Lioness Caught In Zebra Stampede While Trying To Hunt Animals. Watch)

A fourth said: “The lions could have easily caught the baby elephant, but they are smart enough to know that elephants are vindictive. It is not worth the price later for a small meal.”

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