Lunar Eclipse 2023: Learn the different phases and patterns of the Moon

Lunar Eclipse 2023: May 5, the day of the full moon, the first lunar eclipse of the year will occur. While the full moon will appear for three days, from early Thursday morning to early Sunday morning, only people in Africa, Asia and Australia will be able to see the penumbral lunar eclipse. This full moon is also known as Flower Moon, Corn Moon, Corn Moon, Milk Moon, and Rabbit Moon.

This article discusses the different phases or variations of the Moon. Explore all eight moon phases, four primary and four secondary, below:

JagranjoshSource: Time and date

New Moon

The Night of the New Moon is often the ideal time to observe planets, meteor showers, and deep sky objects such as star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies because they are so dark.

Every day, the amount of light we can see from Earth changes; We call this the moon phase. With the exception of lunar eclipses, when the Moon is obscured by the Earth’s shadow, half of the Moon’s surface is always directly exposed to sunlight. Do you know the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse?

Crescent moon

After the New Moon conjunction, when the Sun and Earth are on opposite sides of the Moon and the Moon cannot be seen from Earth, the Moon will reappear, marking the beginning of a wax crescent . The percentage of the Moon illuminated during this period increased from 0.1% to 49.9%.

Waxing shows growth, while crescent depicts a crescent curve. With a few exceptions, the crescent moon rises in the daytime before noon and is visible in the daytime sky. It becomes more noticeable around dusk, but usually sets before midnight.

The first quarter of the moon

Apart from the Sun, the Moon is the only astronomical object clearly visible in the sky during the day. Noon is when the first quarter of the Moon rises and midnight is when it sets. This is in contrast to the Moon in the third quarter, which rises at midnight and sets in the middle of the day.

With the exception of lunar eclipses, when the Moon is obscured by the Earth’s shadow, half of the Moon’s surface is always directly exposed to sunlight. Every day, the amount of light that we can see from Earth changes, which is basically related to the cycle of the moon.

The Waxing Gibbous Moon

Gibbous refers to an oval to round shape, while wax refers to growth in size. The difference between Waxing Gibbous and Full Moon is very small, as the illuminated part increases to 98–99%. The waxy round Wax Moon rises in the afternoon, with a few exceptions. It can usually be seen in the evening and disappears after midnight.

When the Moon was in its formation, its illuminated surface increased from 50.1% to 99.9%. Until the Full Moon, which lasts from the moment immediately after the first quarter of the Moon.

Full moon

The most beautiful change of the moon is the full moon when the moon is fully illuminated. The Moon is fully illuminated by the Sun when the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the Earth.

Some Full Moons, by time and date, are only illuminated 99.9% from Earth. Because the Moon’s orbit around the Earth is tilted at an angle of about 5° with respect to the plane of Earth’s orbit, the ecliptic, we sometimes cannot see the entire illuminated hemisphere of the Moon when the Moon is full. round.

The waning moon

Gibbous refers to oval to round shape, while attenuation refers to contraction and expansion. When the Moon was in its waning phase, its illuminated area decreased from 99.9% to 50.1%. Until the third quartile of the Moon, it extends from the moment immediately following the Full Moon.

When 98%–99% of the surface is illuminated, it can be difficult to distinguish an early Gibbous waning phase from a Full Moon. In addition, the Crescent Moon rises after sunset but before midnight and sets after sunrise.

The third quarter of the moon

With the exception of lunar eclipses, when the Earth casts a shadow on the Moon, the Moon’s surface is always half-lit by direct sunlight. These daily changes in the amount of light we can see from Earth are known as Moon Phases. Because sunlight illuminates exactly 50% of the Moon’s surface, the third or last quadrant of the Moon is also known as a crescent.

Crescent moon

Descending refers to a shape that shrinks and shrinks, while crescent describes a crescent-shaped curve. Half of the Moon is always illuminated by sunlight because the surface of the Moon reflects the Sun’s rays. We call this the Moon Mine because the amount of this light we can see from Earth changes daily.

The Moon will pass through Earth’s penumbra, or partial shadow, in this modest celestial event, creating a small blur that ordinary observers might miss.

This year we will witness two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses, meaning a total of four lunar eclipses. On April 20, a hybrid solar eclipse took place, which was the first. The second, rarer, annular eclipse will occur on October 14. The first lunar eclipse of the year, the penumbral lunar eclipse, will occur on May 5. The last lunar eclipse of the year, the first lunar eclipse part, which will happen on October 28.

Source: Time and date

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