Marvel: 10 Pieces Of Mischievous & Marvelous Loki Fan Art

Loki is a fan favorite. His fickle nature leaves him an ambiguous character whose ties are constantly severed and strung anew. However, most people can’t help but love the Norse God in green and his brotherly interactions with Thor in the MCU.

After the shock of Avengers: Infinity War and with the anticipation for the new Loki series, what else is there to do but put the spiraling emotions into art? Loki has made audience members feel annoyance, pain, laughter, tears, and hope for redemption, just like these incredible fan art pieces.

Loki – God Of Mischief

Via: Quelchii 

A color pencil drawing has never looked so good. The level of detail this fan artist has reached is ridiculously satisfying, from the depth and shadows in the collar pattern, the creases in his neck, and lines around his mouth and eyes.

The green tones are vibrant and complimentary, the color of his eyes to the shading surrounding his hair. This piece is incredibly lifelike.

Thor’s Helmet

Via: Kibbitzer

This gorgeous piece takes viewers to another universe, one where Thor is gone and Loki is left to himself.

In this universe, there is no brotherly charms, no groveling, no jealousy, no masked affections, or hidden pride. Just Loki, understanding with nostalgia and sadness written on his face, what he had put his brother through with his several deaths. It must be mulled over; what if Thor had died at the hands of Thanos instead of Loki?


Via: AmandaTolleson

Loki was brought to life in the Marvel Cinematic Universe through the talented work of actor Tom Hiddleston. This artist captured one of the many conflicting emotions Loki felt throughout the films, and it’s difficult to imagine the character as anyone but Hiddleston.

It is moments such as these where audiences gain respect for the talent and vision of casting agents. If Hiddleston’s potential as a villain was never realized after his audition as Thor, the MCU would look very different today.

Little Thor & Loki

Via: CaptBexx

Thor: Ragnarok blessed audiences with many memorable moments between Thor and Loki, from “Get Help” to the pair fighting alongside each other against their sister Hela. One scene, in particular, took them back to when they were children.

Thor tells Valkyrie and Hulk “there was one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake. And he knows that I love snakes. So I went to pick up the snake to admire it, and he transformed back into himself and he was like, “MBLERGH IT’S ME!” and he stunned me. We were eight at the time. “

Seeing Green

Via:  Inna-Vjuzhanina

Loki is the God of Mischief, and this fan art has viewers seeing green. Loki is egotistical and proud, capable of both heroism and villainy. He is hungry for the power and respect attained by his brother that Loki’s father has denied him.

Loki’s relationship with his mother is one of only caring and compassionate interactions, as she never stopped hoping the best for him. This piece is truly marvelous with its gloss and deep royal tones.

Loki Sketch

Via: CaptBexx

A moment viewers will never forget perfectly portrayed in a fan art sketch. “Enough! You are all of you are beneath me! I am a god, you dull creature, and I shall not be bullied by-,” only for Hulk to smash Loki around like a rag doll and say “puny God.”

Loki has come far since Tony Stark’s “we have a hulk” comment, even going as far as to say it himself to Thanos.

Prince Of Asgard

Via: alicexz

Loki isn’t simple, just as this piece has a myriad of colors and layers, so are his loyalties and personality complex. His character arc in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has driven some viewers mad with adoration and others, infuriation. Countless deaths, insults, banter, smart comments, allegiances, emotional moments, and fight scenes later, the fate of Loki is still unknown.

Will he be the Loki that everyone knows and loves, or will he go back to his mischievous ways? While the latter is also loved, it would take away precious moments of character development.


Via:  AmandaTolleson

This fan art reaches photographic standards, showing there is no limit to the capacity of individuals, especially when using oil paint and ink pen brushes. Loki’s spellbinding, reflective gaze holds the viewer’s attention, while the surrounding features not only enhance the experience but bring movement.

The mystifying blurred background places attention on the finer details: The lines on Loki’s lips, the bags under his eyes, and the stubble on his chin.

A Hidden Past Revealed

Via:  VarshaVijayan

Loki always felt that he grew up in the shadow of his brother and that his father didn’t love him. It was revealed to Loki in Thor (2011) that he was not the biological son to Odin and Frigga, but instead the son of Laufey, ruler of the Frost Giants.

Loki struggled with this truth and his identity, playing a big part in his development throughout the films. But he came to accept himself in his final act of defiance against Thanos. “I, Loki, Prince of Asgard, Odinson, the rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity.”

The Sun Will Shine On Us Again Brother

Via: White-Night-56

The moment that viewers yearned to see on screen but were instead gifted with yet another Loki death, one that seemed to be final. Just as Thor and Loki’s brotherly bond was healing and a future as equals was on the rise, and Thor: Ragnarok came to an end, Thanos reared his purple head and destroyed all hopes.

To Thor, he said, “I assure you brother… the sun will shine on us again.” While in true Loki fashion, he told Thanos with his dying breath “You will never be a God.”

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