Mask-mandatory : allocation, support… What support for the families?

Masks are now mandatory in all indoor spaces and create significant costs for families, who are the main carriers. Whether disposable or cloth,

Masks are now mandatory in all indoor spaces and create significant costs for families, who are the main carriers.

Whether disposable or cloth, they are now mandatory in all indoor spaces and represent an expense that could be significant for the French. Since the publication of the decree that confirms its port, many voices have been raised and denounce the weight that these masks have in the citizen budget. Image of the head of the emergency department at the Pompidou Hospital in Paris, Philippe Juvin, who told The Express on Monday that the mask is available for sale at low cost or even free.

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On Tuesday morning, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, opened the debate on “additional aid”, believing in franceinfo that the issue should be put on the table. Because in addition to families in difficulty, the lack of financial support can also have negative consequences for the spread of the virus.

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“A cost that is not negligible”

As Olivier Gayraud, lawyer for CCLV, the national association of consumers and users, explains, the calculation of the “budget screen” is done quickly: “For masks, surgical – disposable – every four hours – it can be from 57 euros per month and per person. When there are two adults and two children, the monthly cost can go up to 228 euros. And we are not talking about medium-sized families,” says the association.

“The cost of this measure, even if it is very necessary, is not negligible for citizens, according to Jean-Paul Hamon, president of the French Federation of Physicians. The government-controlled maximum price of 95 cents is already too high. You pay for your disposable mask for almost 1 euro, this is not acceptable, let’s not forget that before the crisis the mask cost about 5 cents, so it would be good to make an effort and have it at cost if you do. I don’t want the French to be constrained in such a health context.”

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For cloth masks that can be washed between 10 and 20 times, the average monthly budget is estimated at €36 per month for a family of two adults and one child, and €60 for the most expensive masks, for 120 uses, according to a survey by was spent by 60 million consumers. It’s just that these masks, even if they are cheaper, are not the most popular: “There is too much different information, that is, how many times to wash them, how many degrees … The more restrictions, the more people lose along the way, and we notice that families will become more often disposable masks”, continues Olivier Gayraud.

support limits

As of May 11, people with a positive Covid-19 test and their “contacts” will be able to prescribe 14 masks per week, delivered to the pharmacy without prepayment. Those considered “high medical risk” are entitled to 10 masks per week.

In an opinion published on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, the High Health Authority (HAS) was in favor of the return of the medical prescription for the Assanis public surgical mask, manufactured by the Majorelle laboratory. Therefore, it should soon be supported for coronavirus patients and those at very high risk of developing a more severe form of coronavirus infection.

Why not extend that mask care and compensation to other parts of the population? As the head of emergencies at the Pompidou Hospital explained to The Express, the option seems tempting, but it runs into another problem: “The advantage is free admission. The disadvantage is that it would then be sold in a very limited circle: pharmacies, clinics of city doctors, ”he explains. The second option is therefore, on the contrary, to continue to allow its sale in many places such as supermarkets, kiosks, kiosks, to make it as accessible as possible.

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The vision shared by Olivier Gayraud of CCLV: “Given the situation, it is necessary to avoid any brake on the search for masks, maintaining their wide availability at points of sale and not thinking that in big cities, where there are pharmacies on every corner ” , he said, before continuing: Another problem with such support was that, given public goods and their resources, gratuity seems hard to imagine.”

On Tuesday afternoon, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, addressed the issue and announced to the Assembly that the municipalities will distribute masks to vulnerable people free of charge: “We are going to push their distribution to the destinations of the most vulnerable, including the public that benefits from complementary solidarity health”, he assured. On JT TF1, Emmanuel Macron said: “The French state and taxpayers have no intention of paying for free masks for everyone all the time. So I think it should remain a social policy.” Those who do not have the means to buy will be “helped”, he assured.

The president of the Ile-de-France region, Valérie Pécresse, announced Wednesday morning on France 2 that the French region will distribute two washable fabric masks to 500,000 secondary school students at the start of school and “will provide free masks to all charities”.

You don’t have to choose between “protect yourself or eat”

For which the CCLV consumer association advocates, it is an aid in the form of compensation of 50 euros per month per person for the most modest households to reflect the higher cost that this entails. “It seems that this new request for our support is part of the end at all. So we can rightly ask where families already in trouble will go to find the money that is necessary in the long term. An allocation that would reach every month seems the simplest solution”, says Olivier Gayraud.

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“The Government wants to revive the economy, but it will not risk a harvest that is still in the purchasing power of the French, who now have to watch their budgetary mask,” says Dr. Jean-Paul Hamon. The executive branch must take action on the matter and quickly”. All the more so since people who do not wear masks for any reason can be fined 135 euros.

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“People shouldn’t have to choose between protecting themselves or eating,” continues the CCLV lawyer. In other words, the systematization of the mask port seems to be one of the simplest, in order to avoid or at least slow down the recovery of the epidemic. And as Jean-Paul Hamon says, the lack of financial support could affect the deterioration: “If we do not give funds to all the French who wear masks, there is a risk that, for economic reasons, they will go and start the virus again, “Since people do not protect themselves or others, he regrets. Do not make the same mistake as the screeners, who, because they have not been reimbursed, have still discouraged citizens who could be infected from getting tested.”

Date updated: July 22, 2020, 11:58 am

Categories: Optical Illusion

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