Masks: we have always followed the recommendations, she defends Jerome Solomon

The director general of Health has defended this Tuesday before the commission of inquiry of the national Assembly the strategy of the authorities on the masks

The director general of Health has defended this Tuesday before the commission of inquiry of the national Assembly the strategy of the authorities on the masks and tests.

France has “always followed the international recommendations” concerning the wearing of the mask in the fight against the coronavirus, defended on Tuesday the director general of Health Jerome Solomon, who had deemed “unnecessary in the street” in march.

“The whole world has been surprised by this crisis unprecedented, massive, brutal, world”, he stressed before the commission of inquiry on the coronavirus to the national Assembly, supporting the foot with the strategy of the authorities on the masks and tests, as well as the efforts of preparing the country for this type of health crisis.

One of the faces of the crisis

Jerome Solomon, which runs from 2018 to the branch of the ministry of Health in charge of managing health crises, opened the ball of the questions of the deputies within the framework of the committee set up to “learn the lessons” of the management of the epidemic of Covid-19.

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“You’re one of the faces of this crisis”, stressed the mp LR Eric Ciotti, rapporteur of the committee, recalling that the points daily press of this infectious disease specialist had “marked the life of the French during the containment”.

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The president of this commission, Brigitte Bourguignon (LREM) has insured wanting to “put the requirement of truth and transparency at the heart of (his) work” and its members have reiterated several times Jerome Solomon of the need to provide “specific answers”. A lot of questions revolved around the masks, which, stressed Eric Ciotti “was at the heart of the questions of our fellow citizens and carers”.

Chronology of strategic stocks of State

Jerome Solomon has traced the chronology of strategic stocks of State of these masks, ordered massively at the time of the threat of the H1N1 influenza virus and then destroyed in part after an audit in 2017 has entered into the poor state of a majority of them. An order of 100 million masks is then placed at the end of 2018, with a decision to evolve “to a stock dynamic, turning”, rather than a massive stock “sleeping beauty”.

But with the outbreak of the pandemic in France, the needs for carers are passed brutally from 3 to 5 million per week to 30 see 40 million, while all of the countries saw as their needs increase, and the main country producer, China, saw its economy crippled, has-t-he stressed.

“WHO has hesitated a lot”

As for masks for the general public, “we have always followed the international recommendations”, assured the director-general of Health, accused by Jean-Christophe Lagarde (UDI) “lie of State” for the march 18 that there was “no sense in wearing this mask” in the street “for people who are not contaminated”.

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“WHO has hesitated a lot, and does not endorse the wearing of the mask under certain conditions that, since the 5 June,” he added, putting also forward a recent study expressing “doubts about the effectiveness of masks for the general public.

Date Of Update: 16 June 2020, 21:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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