Meet FLDS Ex-Members Myrna And Lloyd Wall! Age, Today

FLDS members Myrna and Lloyd Wall, as well as other former FLDS members, have come forward to share their stories about their time at church on Netflix. Be sweet: pray and obey. An old couple was Myrna and Lloyd Wall. The couple shared firsthand experience during the leadership of Rulon Jeffs and his son Warren Jeffs.

Find out their ages and where they are today in this article below.

Meet former FLDS members Myrna and Lloyd Wall on Netflix’s Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey

Myrna and Lloyd Wall were not born into the FLDS church by birth.

Myrna Bradshaw and Lloyd L Wall were married on August 25, 1954. When they decided to join and convert to the FLDS, Lloyd and Myrna had 5 children from their marriage. Together they had 9 children (Jeffrey B., Julie, Neil S., Charlene, Gail, Matthew W., Suzzane, Michael L., and Connie). After joining the FLDS, the FLDS prophet “Rulon Jeffs” approached Lloyd and told him that Sharon Steed was from his family.

While Myrna and Lloyd lived upstairs, Sharon lived in the basement with her children. Teresa, Myrna’s stepdaughter, said Sharron worked tirelessly. Teresa said that her mother cooked, cleaned and sewed for both families. “We were the servants of the first family,” said Teressa Wall. She said she had a nosebleed and bruised jaw as she defended her mother and her first wife’s siblings. “She really pissed me off the way they treated her,” says Teressa, “the way they treated all of us.”

When Lloyd made physical contact with his son, Warren Jeff took the “opportunity” to declare Lloyd “useless.” At the time, the family lived in Salt Lake City.

Warren assigned Lloyd’s second wife to another man named Fred Jessop, and Lloyd was separated from his second wife and their fourteen children. So Sharon and her fourteen children began living in Hildale, Utah.

At one point, Lloyd, who was working as an engineer, also lost his job due to an argument with the children. After leaving the church, Lloyd married his third wife.

Where are Myrna and Lloyd Wall today?

Myrna and Lloyd Wall made their peace with the church. The most recent appearance on the Netflix show confirmed that they live in La Verkin, Utah. According PropertyThey reportedly own $195.8K worth of property that sits on 0.17 acres.

Lloyd-Wall-Ex-FLDS-MemberFormer FLDS member Lloyd Wall today (Image: Netflix)

In 2014, Lloyd appeared on Dr. Phil along with his and Sharon’s daughter, Rebecca Masser. Sitting on the bench, he was confronted with how he could allow his beautiful young daughter to marry Rulon Jeffs, who was 85 at the time. He said that when he was part of the church, men were programmed to believe that it was an honor for his daughter to marry a prophet. It seemed the right thing for Rebecca to marry Rulon Jeffs, who was then about 85 years old in 1995.

He also published a book titled “Truth Matters: The Witness Wore Red Father’s Rebuttal.”

Lloyd spoke on the show that he disagrees with Warren on many things and that he doesn’t like his abuse of the position he was in.

Myrna and Lloyd Wall era

Born in September 1935, Myrna Wall is 86 years old. Meanwhile, Lloyd Wall was born in February 1936 and turned 86 in February 2022.

Are Myrna and Lloyd Wall on Facebook?

No, Myrna and Lloyd Wall are not on Facebook or any other social media accounts.

Related FAQ

  • Where do Myrna and Lloyd Wall live now?

Myrna and Lloyd Wall live in La Verkin, Utah.

  • How many children do Myrna and Lloyd Wall have?

Only Myrna and Lloyd had 9 children. Meanwhile, Lloyd had 24 children from three marriages.

  • What else do we know about the family of Myrna and Lloyd Wall?

We know that Lloyd’s second wife is still in the FLDS church currently led by Lyle Jeffs. According to Rebecca, her mother still believed in the salvation that she would achieve. Her daughter Elissa married her maternal cousin without any consent.

Elissa told Teressa that she wasn’t ready for sex and babies, especially with her cousin. “You have to defend yourself, Lisie,” Teressa insisted. But Elissa was too young and she was too scared. Despite Teressa’s passionate efforts to rally her sisters and even her mother to stop the marriage, Elissa’s brothers kicked her out of the eighth grade.

Lloyd’s daughter Teressa left the FLDS in 2005 at the age of 25. Likewise, his sister Becky, multiple wife of the lean Rulon, left the group in 2002, at the age of 26. Her brother had already left the FLDS and managed to escape. the community provides something of an emotional and logistical outlet for the sisters.

Elissa and her two sisters focus on her two teenage sisters who will surely be forced into marriage soon if no one intervenes. The three sisters tried desperately to protect them, Elissa overcoming her fear of government and law enforcement long enough to contact a lawyer about what had happened to her; soon after, the Utah Attorney General’s office became involved. Warren Jeffs is charged with rape as an accessory, a first degree felony.

Elissa, who published a memoir Stolen Innocence, said she would not have been able to take on Warren Jeffs if it hadn’t been for Teressa’s stubborn belief in justice and her encouragement for Elissa to listen to her inner voice.

Categories: Biography

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