Meet Hetty Wang, Nathan Chen Mother! Bio, Age, Job

Meet Hetty Wang, mother of Olympic gold medalist Nathan Chen. She is an integral part of her life and owes all of her success to her mother. So it’s worth learning something about her.

This article covers information about Nathan’s mother. Keep scrolling to find out more.

Meet Hetty Wang, Nathan Chen’s mother

Nathan Chen can’t remember his first time on the ice, but his mother, Hetty Wang, does. She said ESPN that his son was so enthralled by the experience that he cried when the Zamboni machine forced him off the track. Chen was 3 years old when he originally skated as a hockey goalie.

Nathan’s mother Hetty’s job was to make sure nothing would affect Nathan’s goal of becoming a famous skateboarder. They have been a team for a long time. She took him to the ice rink at his house in Lakewood, California every day. Nathan attributes her achievement to her mother because it wouldn’t have been possible without her.

She played an important role in sparking his interests. She is an integral part of the growth of each child. She made up plays for Nathan that he could follow and imitate on the ice as a child. Alice, Nathan’s sister, said Salt Lake Tribune, “I’m just thinking about my mom and Nathan living on the track. That was our normal life.”

Hetty never envisioned the Olympic Games as her son’s ultimate goal. She just wanted him to enjoy what she wanted to do and she didn’t care about medals or podiums.

Who are Hetty Wang’s husband and children?

Hetty Wang and her husband Zhidong Chen were married several times before immigrating to the United States. She accompanied her husband, Zhidong, who came to the United States to obtain a doctorate in pharmacy. They then arrived from Tianjin, China in 1988 and first lived in Carbondale, Illinois. They didn’t know anyone in the United States, and she couldn’t even speak English at the time, as Nathan revealed during an interview with The New York Times.

After Carbondale, the family moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, and have made their home there ever since. They raised their five children in Salt Lake. While speaking to the New York Times, Nathan said: “They don’t talk too much about their struggles, but it must have been very difficult coming to a new country, not speaking the language, not having a lot of money, not having friends. . It’s amazing how they managed to deal with it.”

His parents’ struggles drive Nathan to do better, and he credits them for supporting his every athletic choice.

Hetty Wang and her husband had five children. Nathan was the youngest of five. Her other siblings are Alice Chen (@alicefchen), Janice Chen (@janiceschen), Tony Chen (@runtxc) and Colin Chen.

The eldest, Alice Chen, worked in social media for Apple News and lived in New York. She also owned her own candle company, We Are Social Club, and worked for Reese Witherspoon and Hello Sunshine’s production company Book Club.

Below Alice is Janice Chen, a University of California, Berkeley he graduated and became the founder of Mammoth Bioscience. He also earned a Ph.D. from the Doudna Lab at UC Berkley, and gave a 2018 TedTalk on CRISPR diagnostics.

Tony and Colin Chen were also ice hockey athletes.

The Hetty Wang era

Born in 1962, Hetty Wang turned 59 in 2021.

Hetty Wang’s work

Hetty Wang worked most of her life as a medical translator.

Related FAQ

  • Is Hetty Wang on Instagram?

Hetty Wang does not have social media accounts. But she was featured in at least five posts on Nathan’s IG. The most recent post with Hetty was made on February 10, 2022 after his wife wrote: “Thank you mom ❤️ I couldn’t do this without my family.”

  • What is Hetty Wang’s nationality?

Born and raised in Beijing, China, Hetty Wang has lived in the United States since 1988.

Categories: Biography

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