Mini crossword with answers: August 29, 2023

Mini Crossword is a daily crossword published on the Jagran Josh website. It’s a challenging puzzle that covers a wide range of topics. Solving puzzles can help you improve your vocabulary, learn new facts, and sharpen your problem-solving skills.

Start with the easier tracks first. Use a dictionary or thesaurus to help you find the correct words for the clues. Solving mini crosswords can be a fun and challenging way to improve your knowledge and skills. Try it today!

Personality test: Your thumbs reveal your true personality

If you are looking for a fun and challenging way to improve your knowledge and skills, Mini Crossword is a great option. So why not try it today?

Enjoy the Jagran Josh mini crossword!

Mini Crossword: August 29, 2023

Solve this mini crossword using the clues below:

crossword puzzles

Over it:

3. Another word for generous. (10 letters)

2. During which process does an atom emit alpha, beta and gamma rays? (13 letters)


1. The first successful textile factory was founded in this Indian city in 1854 (6 letters)

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Mini crossword with answers: August 29, 2023

Check the answers to the mini crossword below:

crossword solutions

Over it:

3. Altruistic

2. Radioactivity


1. Mumbai

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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