Missing’s ending, explained

The 2023 sleeper hit, soon to become one of Netflix’s most popular movies, doesn’t involve possessed superheroes or demons like in rise of the wicked dead; instead, it focuses on a young teenager who uses all the technology at her disposal to find a lost relative. He is lost it’s kind of a continuation of 2018 Look for, which told the story of a father (John Cho) who is desperate to find his missing daughter. It became a surprise critical and commercial success and was praised for its unique way of telling a complete story through a computer screen.

While in the same world, He is lost tells a new story about a teenage girl (Storm Reid) who quickly realizes that her mother has disappeared under very strange circumstances. Using the power of social media and Google, she tries to track her down while she uncovers some mysteries about her past. If you are interested He is lostEnding explained, you’ve come to the right place!

What is missing?

A young woman talks on a cell phone in Missing.

The film opens with archival footage of 10-year-old June (Storm Reid) with her now-deceased father, James. We learn that shortly after the video was shot, she died of a brain tumor. It then cuts to the present as we meet June, now 18, who is planning a party at her house in Van Nuys, California, after her mother, Grace (Nia Long), leaves for Colombia with her new boyfriend, Kevin Lin. Her mother insists that her neighbor Heather, a lawyer who is a bit jealous of Grace’s relationship with Kevin, watch over her. She also begs her daughter to empty her voicemail, which is always full and never accessed until June.

After a day and a night of partying with her friends Veena and Austin, June has to pick up her mom from the airport. She never shows up, which is why June contacts the authorities. With no other family members and no solid proof that her mother is missing, there is nothing they can do. June decides to investigate herself using a series of digital tools at her disposal: Google Maps (where she tries to trace her mother’s location in Colombia), Facebook messages, Internet search history, etc. She also hires the services of Javi, a Colombian resident. who makes June requests for a small compensation.

The mystery of the disappeared deepens

Two girls look at a computer screen in the movie Missing.

June quickly realizes that Kevin, her mother’s boyfriend, is not who he says he is. By hacking into his Gmail account, she discovers a series of aliases and eventually a criminal record consisting of fraud. Believing that Kevin kidnapped her mother for her money, June has Javier look for clues to his whereabouts in Colombia while she investigates.

She tracks Kevin’s past movements to an unknown location in the Valley, where he talks to Jim (whom June has labeled “Jimmy the boy from church”). He tells her that Kevin has been rehabbed and is really in love with Grace. June finally accesses her mother’s online dating profile, where she discovers that her mother was already aware of Kevin’s past. She also hints at a secret from her past that she wants to share with Kevin in person.

The police inform June that they received a video of what appears to be a group of criminals kidnapping Kevin and Grace in Colombia. June quickly discovers that this is a lie; in fact, her mother never left Los Angeles for Colombia. Kevin hired a look-alike named Rachel Page to play her mother. The case makes national headlines, with Rachel admitting that she didn’t know what Kevin was doing when he went with him to Colombia, and it is speculated that Grace herself had something to do with her own disappearance when it is revealed that she had multiple aliases. .

Let the bodies hit the floor

Girl talking to man online in Missing.

Believing her mother is innocent, June’s suspicions fall on her neighbor Heather. Using the wristwatch camera, she sneaks into Heather’s office. After finding it ransacked, she came across Heather’s dead body. Later, June views footage of a police raid in Colombia that focuses on Kevin, who is shot and killed.

Seemingly at a dead end, June is about to give up, but manages to access her mother’s email, which is protected by an impenetrable password that June has so far been unable to guess. She finds a threatening email addressed to Grace and a security camera that Grace bought and installed in an abandoned house. Looking at the camera footage, June realizes that it is her old home. Just then, “Jimmy the Church Guy” calls and reveals that he has information on his mother. Soon he is at June’s door and begs her to come in. She opens the door and discovers…

How does Missing end?

MISSING – Official Trailer (HD)

…that’s his father, James! Hope for? Yes, June’s late father never actually died. He tells her that Grace took her away from him and that she has been hiding under a different name all these years. Although he appears to mean well, they quickly prove to be anything but when Grace runs away from him after years of abuse. She told June that he died to spare her the pain of learning that her father was a domestic abuser whose drug addiction put them all in danger.

He quickly kidnaps June and takes her to her old home where Grace is imprisoned. Mother and daughter are reunited, but are soon threatened by James, who shoots Grace. James tries to get June to leave, but a revived Grace stabs him through the neck with a shard of glass. James tries to call the hospital but dies.

The next scene shows that some time has passed. June is now in college and talking to her friends about a fictional true crime series based on what happened to her and Grace. Her mother sends her a message that she loves her. June replies that she loves her too.

He is lost now streaming on Netflix. For other missing content, read “Love getting lost? Then check out these 5 thrillers” and why it’s one of the “best thrillers of 2023 streaming on Netflix.”

editor’s recommendations

Categories: GAMING
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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