Moana: The Polynesian Origins & Real Life Inspirations Explained

by Disney Moana Inspired by Polynesian mythology, history and culture and widely praised for its efforts in cultural authenticity. The film tells the story of Moana (voiced by Auli’i Cravalho), the daughter of Tui, the leader of Motunui, after the heart of the goddess Te Fiti was stolen by the transforming demigod Maui (voiced), she was chosen by the ocean. . to return her heart. by Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson) and got lost in the deep sea.

When directors Ron Clements and John Musker presented their idea for an animated feature film inspired by Polynesian mythology to then-Creative Director John Lasseter, the latter suggested the men take a research trip. During the five years of developing and producing the film, Clements and Musk traveled to Fiji, Tahiti and Samoa, and recruited experts from across the South Pacific to the Sea Story Trust to discuss cultural accuracy. filmization. Consult with representatives. Anthropologists, historians, culturists, linguists, tattoo artists, elders, fishermen and others come together to advise on the tiniest details of the film.

While the original commercial focused on the story of the demigod Maui, the story was eventually rewritten to tell about Moana, a strong-willed girl who was kept from the ocean by her parents until a disease occurs. Her island was destroyed, fish and plants were MoanaThe opening scene illustrates that when Te Fiti, the mother island, possesses the power to create life and allow other islands to exist, her heart is a carved pounamu (a stone with meaning culture in Māori culture, considered a tanga, or treasure) – Stolen by Maui, her island begins to decline and emits a powerful wave of darkness. Now, Maui has her heart, but is attacked by the fire demon Teka, who throws both her magic hook and Te Fiti’s heart into the sea. Darkness has brought disaster to Moana’s home and urges her to defy her parents’ wishes and begin her journey to save lives a thousand years after her heart was stolen.

Moana Learning Wayfinding and The Long Pause . Reference

Trailer Moana #2

The audience learns that the people of Moana have long since stopped sailing and that crossing the island’s reefs (the Tongan itself) is forbidden, which is why Moana’s father reacts angrily when she suggests fishing beyond its limits. the reaction. This refers to what scholars call a “long pause” in Polynesian history. Three to five thousand years ago, Western Polynesia was invaded, and humans used Stone Age technology to traverse thousands of miles across the water and somehow found small islands in the ocean. largest on Earth. These explorers then went back and forth to settle in their new-found homes. However, while these islands to the west, including Fiji, Samoa and Tonga, were quickly invaded, it took another 2,000 years for them to settle on the islands of Central and Eastern Polynesia, including Tahiti, Bora, and Bora. Bora, Easter Island and Hawaii, only. 500 to 1,500 years ago.

No one knows why the Polynesians stopped sailing for such a long time, or why they decided to venture east after so many years. Migration scholars have theorized for a variety of causes, from ciguatera poisoning caused by toxic algal blooms to headwinds due to persistent El Niño (increasing mean sea temperatures). The Eternal Mystery of Long Pause is where Disney found creative freedom Moanathe story of s. After generations of living on land because the “darkness” made the oceans too dangerous, Moana inspired her people to rediscover the art of finding their way and to start exploring anew.

Learning to navigate the waters has proven an important part of Moana’s character and the emphasis is on celebrating the cultural significance of traditional Polynesian sailing, methods still taught in Taumako. . Polynesian navigation involved a number of navigational instruments that predated those used by European explorers, but also relied primarily on observing the stars and other signs from the sky and sea, as well as oral knowledge. Rowing is an exact science, and its techniques, along with the construction of canoes with canoes, are kept secret by the guild.

The demigod Maui is a combination of many different Polynesian myths

Moana - Maui (Dwayne Johnson)

The Polynesian demigod Maui taught Moana how to find her way. In the film, Maui recounts her victories and adventures through touching tattoos (interestingly, “tattoo” is a loanword from Samoan) and the lyrics of “You’re Welcome.” Moana is the result of Disney combining aspects of different Polynesian cultures, and Dwayne Johnson’s character is no exception. The version of Maui exists in various forms in most Pacific island cultures, creating MoanaAs a mythological figure, Disney has incorporated many stories of demigods with the help of creative license, such as casting Maui as an orphan to gain sympathy.

In traditional Maori lore, Maui, like her Disney companions, draws most of her power from her magic hook. The story tells of how Maui used his hook to pull up the islands of the Pacific Ocean, forming Polynesia. Disney’s original Maui design was somewhat controversial, as some criticized Maui’s final shape for making Maui look fatter, which contributed to negative stereotypes about men. Polynesia. However, many others have no problem with Maui’s portrayal in this regard, arguing that the demigod looks powerful and legendary, as one would expect.

The biggest change initiated by the Ocean Trust was his hair: the original design left Maui completely bald just like his voice actor. Trust member and culture writer Tahiti Hinano Murphy explains [via Vanity Fair] When he first saw the sketch, he told the animators “We had to put more hair on Maui’s head because it was very important. The magic is there, demigod. It looks like he’s naked. For us, that’s really important.” In many Melanesian and Polynesian cultures, mana is spiritual life force, energy, or healing ability that can exist in objects, places, and people. Mana is fundamental to the Polynesian worldview, so endowing Maui with thick, curly hair is a key feature of respect for Polynesian culture.

Details make the difference

Two of the most important parts of Moana’s journey, learning to find her way and her relationship with Maui, are both drawn from the history of the Polynesians and inspired by their mythology. However, thanks to the Oceanic Trust, more details can be added Moanathe story of s. From the traditional fale (home of the Samoans), the chief Tui’s pe’a (a traditional male Samoan tattoo), a canoe drawn in great detail and based on an ancient Fijian boat, and a canoe used to cook food. clumsy, to Moana’s clothing using materials and designs appropriate to the times and culture, Moana A rich tapestry with small but extremely precise details has been woven. It just shows what a creative studio can achieve when they make an effort to consult with the right people.

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