Moana: Why Maui Stole The Heart of Te Fiti

by Disney Moana It tells the story of Moana and Maui on a quest to return Te Fiti’s stolen heart. A thousand years after the demigod Maui stole the heart from Te Fiti, the ocean gave it to Moana. To lift the curse spread from the ocean (and kill life on Moana) and revive Te Fiti, the heart must be returned to her – but why would Maui steal the heart in the first place?

The heart of Te Fiti is an ancient gem owned by the home island of Te Fiti. Her heart empowers her to create islands teeming with flora and fauna that provide housing for the people of the South Pacific. a thousand years ago Moana happen, Maui comes to Mother Island to steal hearts as a gift for humanity. However, after he escaped and fought the lava demon Te Kā, his heart (and hook) was lost.

Maui is traditionally known as the God of Deception—meaning that he enjoys causing mischief, even if his actions are primarily for the benefit of humanity. In the end, Maui accepts the heart simply because he can. Stealing it will prove his power, make him notorious to humans, and cause chaos once and for all. It should have been just another adventure he could add to his tattoo rug – instead, his arrogance cost him not only his heart but also his strength. .

Moana looks back with the sea in the background

Throughout the film, Maui’s main motivation is the admiration of humanity. During this period Moana Song “Nothing” Maui lists the things he has done to be grateful to mankind: he has brought fire to protect them from cold nights, long days of sunshine and rows of coconut trees, and he has controlled wind and tide. In his view, stealing gems, which give humans the ability to create life, is the ultimate gift that makes them win forever; instead, being the cause of hearts lost in the ocean has tarnished Maui’s reputation. Becoming something that humans can admire and praise is the ultimate goal of demigods from beginning to end Moana. The promise of praise is Maui’s motivation to help Moana return her heart to Te Fiti – breaking the curse and saving the world will surely pay off Maui’s positive reputation among the mortals he he cares a lot.

Moana Maui is more narcissistic than the Polynesian lore on which he is based. Disney’s Maui performs these feats to be worshipped, and the legendary Maui performs these feats to help humanity. Although the feats he lists are drawn from Maori lore—such as raising islands from the sea, creating coconuts, and pulling the sun—by Disney Moana Several creative licenses have been given to the story of the demigod (and his ego). before the end of the year MoanaMaui apologized to Te Fiti for his reckless behavior and was humbly presented with a new hook in return for his bravery. Helping Moana across the ocean, risking his life for her, doing something good for humanity but not humanity, reminds him what it means to be a hero again.

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