Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak DLC: All new monsters explained

Each new entry in the Monster Hunter series brings a mix of new and old monsters to hunt, dismember, and craft your own armor and weapons. Just like in the Pokemon franchise, the monsters are actually the main attraction, not your character. Monster Hunter Rise You start out with a decent list of massive beasts to keep you busy through all the different hunter ranks, but eventually you’ll become an expert hunter who knows exactly what to expect from each hunt.

Capcom is aware of this, which is why DLC for their Monster Hunter games is so important. They bring even more new creatures to learn, grind and admire. Sunbathing for Monster Hunter Rise is one of the most extensive DLCs the series has seen to date, and it’s worth picking up your weapon again to explore new environments and see what dangerous predators await. If you want to take a peek at all the new monsters that are waiting for you Monster Hunter Rise: sunset, here is a complete list with some basic tips to help make your first hunt a success.

All new monsters added in Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbathing brings a total of 17 monsters to the roster, seven of which return from previous entries. Six are subspecies and four are also brand new. Here’s the full list, plus their general strengths and weaknesses:

Gore Magala

Above Magala shrouded in darkness.Image used with permission of the copyright holder

Mount Magala is one of those from which he returns Monster Hunter 4. This is a flying dragon-like monster that focuses on rage. The weak points you want to target are his head, neck, and front legs, with elemental weaknesses to fire and blast and slashing weapon types. Avoid targeting its body, wings and wingtips or using poison or paralysis.


The Abyssal Archdemon Gaismagorm is the ultimate boss of the Sunbreak story. As such, it’s no push, so you’ll want to know exactly how to approach this Elder Dragon. To target weak spots, stick to the head, tail tip and wing spars. The only major weakness this boss has is dragon type, with a minor weakness to thunder, but is resistant to poison, stun, paralysis, sleep, and exhaust. Oh, and to make matters worse, he’s also completely immune to all traps and bombs.


Espinas roars in the cave.Image used with permission of the copyright holder

Another returning monster that most fans may not be familiar with comes from a now-defunct Japanese MMO Monster Hunter Frontier. This is the first time he’s appeared outside of that game, so you could probably consider it a brand new hunt. This agile monster is a type of flying dragon that should be aimed at the head, body or legs with a slashing weapon for the best damage, but avoid the back, tail and wings. Your best elements to use will be ice and blast, and your worst are paralysis, poison, and sleep disruption.

Daimyo Hermitaurus

One of the more unique monsters is the Shelled Sovereign Daimyo Hermitaur. This crab-looking monster is one of the first you’ll encounter in the DLC, and a returning monster of all time Monster Hunter 2. The best way to take down this shelled enemy is to hit its head, torso, or arms with a blunt weapon. Poison is particularly effective against it, followed by Thunder, but it’s very resistant to water, as you might expect.

Bonfire Rakna-Kadaki

Our first subspecies to cover is the Pyre Rakna-Kadai spider type, and this is the first appearance of this particular subspecies. You’ll want to go for the head or legs of this monster with either the Cut or Blunt weapon types for the most damage. Unfortunately, this enemy doesn’t have any major weaknesses to exploit, however, Stun and Water are your two bests, while he’s completely immune to poison, explosion, and exhaust.

Shagaru Magala

Elder dragon from Monster Hunter 4 is back and wild as ever. Just like Gore Magala’s younger form, the head, back legs, and neck are where you’ll want to focus your damage with slashing weapon types while staying away from the torso and wings. Poison and Fire will be your friends in this fight, but anything related to Paralysis, Blast, and Sleep will be of no use to you.

Despised Magnamalo

Magnamalo in purple light.Image used with permission of the copyright holder

You’re already familiar with the dangerous Magnamalo, but the Scorned Magnamalo variant in this DLC ups the difficulty even further. It’s tough all around, but the best choices are for damage to the head, front legs, and arms, with no particular type being that much better than the others. Make sure you use something water based here, with Thunder as your secondary, and forget about Fire and Dragon as he is completely immune to them.

Raging Rajang

The big beast Furious Rajang is back from his laptop launch Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. This hairy creature tends to get angry quickly, so target their head, torso and front legs first with blunt or cutting weapons, but avoid their back legs and tail if possible. Ice is your best element here, with water second, and any other type is completely ineffective.


Like many others, Seregios originates from Monster Hunter 4. This nimble flier has a weak head, legs and torso with blunt or slash damage. Thunder will be your choice in this fight, while Fire will do absolutely nothing, and Dragon is also almost useless. For diseases, Exhaust is the best option, but it is completely immune to paralysis.

Aurora Somnacanth

Another brand new subspecies, this type of leviathan is a wonderful killer in combat. Place your blunt weapon against the neck, head fin, or tail to strike this slippery snake. As for the elements, nothing will push the needle too much, but Fire and Thunder will do the most work, while everything else is completely ineffective.

Magma Almudron

Magma Almudron emerges from the lava.Image used with permission of the copyright holder

You can probably guess from the name what this subspecies of Almudron is all about. Your best weapon of choice will be something blunt that you can use to hit him on the head, front leg, or stomach, while water and ice will be your most effective elements. It goes without saying that Fire and Blast won’t help you at all in this fight.


This massive wyvern flew from Monster Hunter Generations to ruin your day Sunbathing. Both cutting and blunt weapons are equally good against him, as long as you aim for his chest, neck or tail as a last resort, avoiding the torso, back and wings. This high flyer is only really weak to ice, with immunity to thunder and poison, and will easily throw off dragons.

Bishaten Blood Orange

As the name suggests, this subspecies of Bisatena has a new orange-yellow coat to show off. Like most beast types, you’ll want a slashing weapon to hit the head, tail, and wings, but avoid its thick torso and legs. This bright beast is completely resistant to Fire and Dragon, but is weakest against Water and Thunder, with a moderate weakness to Blast as well.

Shogun Ceanataur

Debuting in monster hunter 2, this Carapaceon is the first of its kind to appear in this game. Like any other bivalve, smashing the head, shell and claws with blunt damage is effective. Also in keeping with the aquatic nature of the creature, Thunder deals a ton of damage, with Fire and Ice coming in behind, with Dragon being the worst option. Neither disease will really help you in this fight, but Blast, Fireblight, and Thunderblight are the ones to use if you go that route.


Lunagaron howls at the moon.Image used with permission of the copyright holder

One of the Three Lords you’ll be talking about in this DLC, Lunagaron is a brand new beast in this expansion. This wolf-like creature has a weak head and all four legs for Blunt attacks, with an armored body and back. Fire and explosion damage types will hit the hardest, but will deflect any poison or paralysis you try to inflict on it.


Stick with the Three Lords – Garangolm is your next new face Sunbathing. This massive rock gorilla hates Blunt damage, especially on the head and arms, but a tank will hit it on the legs or body. It can sort of resist poison and paralysis like a champion, but takes extra damage from fire, lightning, and explosion types of attacks.


Last but certainly not least is the poster boy for all of the DLC and the final member of the Three Lords, Malzeno. Acting as a final boss of sorts, this dragon nightmare still has weaknesses that you can exploit. First, get yourself a cutting weapon and go for the head or tail, but not the resistant tip of the tail, hind legs or wings. If you have something with ice or blast elements, use them, but leave your tricky ailments like sleep, poison, and paralysis at home. They will not phase this terrifying creature.

Editor’s recommendations

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