MrBeast pays the college fee of a random subscriber. Watch viral video

American YouTuber MrBeast casually walked onto a college campus and paid his tuition. Are you wondering why? This is purely because he was subscribed to his channel. MrBeast gave the college student $20,000 (roughly Rs. 16 lakh) to cover his tuition. Yes, you read that right!

MrBeast paid this student's tuition.  (Instagram/@mrbeast) MrBeast paid this student’s tuition. (Instagram/@mrbeast)

“Let’s see who we’re paying tuition for today,” reads the caption of the video shared by MrBeast on Instagram. The video opens with MrBeast saying, “I’m about to ask people a very important question.” As the video progresses, he approaches the student and asks if he has subscribed to his channel. Although the student claimed to have watched some of MrBeast’s videos, he did not subscribe to it.

Then he approaches another student and asks him the same question. Not only was that person a subscriber, but they also had notifications turned on for their channel.

MrBeast then asks him about his tuition, which is $14,000. The YouTuber then surprises the student by giving him a briefcase full of $10,000 in cash. He also gives him another briefcase with the same amount, bringing the total to $20,000.

Watch the video shared on Instagram here:

The video was shared on Instagram a day ago. It has since gone viral with over 11.4 million views and counting. Many even took to the comments section of the video to share their thoughts.

Check out what people have to say about MrBeast’s goodness:

“Imagine if you were lucky enough to meet MrBeast and then unsubscribed,” one person posted.

Another added: “Imagine if this happened the day you skip class lol.”

“The day I skipped class, Mr. Beast showed up,” said a third.

A fourth commented: “Me and my kids waiting to meet him and waiting for that question lol are you following me! Say yes.”

“This is dope,” shared a fifth.

A sixth wrote: “The amount of debt I can pay with it.”

“POV: This is right after you graduated from East Carolina University (ECU) in May,” a seventh joined in.

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