Multiplication of clusters in France : should we fear a new wave ?

According to the latest report of public Health in France, the weekly number of clusters discovered in France increased from 29 to 37 in the space of seven days

According to the latest report of public Health in France, the weekly number of clusters discovered in France increased from 29 to 37 in the space of seven days.

The virus is still circulating in France, but the situation is not worrying, according to the health authorities. According to the last point weekly epidemiological published by public Health, France (SPF) at the date of 16 June, the number of clusters is progressing in the territory. However, SPF note the absence of “signals in favour of a resumption of the epidemic,” while continuing to call for caution. The Express makes the point.

new homes but a movement of “controlled”

The weekly number of clusters discovered in France increased from 29 to 37 in the space of seven days. Has the date of June 16, a total of 74 clusters was “under investigation” in the country. These mainly concern health facilities (20%), private and public companies, excluding health (19%), and family backgrounds expanded (16%), excluding long-term care facilities and family environments restricted. Between 7 and 13 June, 2837 patients were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, which is 1.3% of the 214 252 PCR tests performed for this week in the country, a rate lower compared to the week before (1.5 per cent).

On a total of 239 clusters found since the 9 may, half of which are today considered as “closed” and 19% are considered “mastered” (absence of new cases seven days after the last case).

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An analysis by departments shows that the largest number of clusters under investigation are located in French Guyana (12), in the North (6) and in the Loire-Atlantic (5). But the authorities point to a “lack of community spread, not controlled”.

As in the past weeks, SPF note especially the absence of “signals in favour of a resumption of the epidemic”. Because if new cases are regularly discovered, the other indicators of epidemic are green. The passages to the emergency room this past week were “in decline for the eleventh consecutive week at the national level and in the regions,” notes the report of SPF. In addition, “the proportion of hospitalizations after transition to suspicion of COVID-19 all ages, indicator of severity on arrival to the emergency room, was slightly lower at 32%, against 36% the previous week.

Multiplication tests in several departments

on the other hand, the incidence (number of new cases reported to the population per 100 000 inhabitants) is less than 10 in all departments, except in the Gard, the Meuse and the Meurthe-and-Moselle. For the latter, these figures reflect certainly a movement still active the virus, but can also be explained by the large screening campaigns undertaken by the regional Agencies of health.

“The Meurthe-et-Moselle and the Meuse are departments that test lot, respectively 497,4 tests carried out for 100 000 inhabitants and 526,5, which is above the regional average (373,5 tests per 100 000 population)”, described the last week the regional Agency of health Is Great to The Express.

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Between may 13 and June 17, 2763 new cases of Covid-19 were biologically confirmed and 8 213 contact persons have been identified in the region. But “there are very few forms of serious”, reassures the doctor Guilaine Kieffer-Desgrippes, president of the regional Union of health professionals of the Grand-est, being questioned by The World. “One examines the large number of hospitalizations, including resuscitation, which is almost zero today. In our offices, the activity Covid is sporadic. We are not worried because the positive feedback of PCR tests are very weak, one sees rather pathologies viral classic,” says the one who represents the liberal doctors.

According to Eric Caumes, an epidemiologist at the parisian hospital of the Pitié Salpêtrière hospital in paris interviewed by The Express, “this increase is due to screening is a good thing as it shows that the technique TTI (trace, test, isolate) is applied in these departments, and it is through this reflex that we will come to the end of the coronavirus”. On the other hand, without application of this system, the doctor is afraid of a second wave epidemic of the virus. “I don’t see why the same causes would not have the same consequences,” says-t it.

37 homes that are still active in the Île-de-France

In the Île-de-France, one of the regions most affected by the coronavirus, spent last Sunday in the green area on the map of the déconfinement, the epidemic continues his regression, but some signals show that it is always present. In particular, the positivity rate of 2.0%, which is higher than the national average of 1.5%, according to figures from public Health France.

“The highest rates of death of patients Covid-19 reported in the population were observed in the regions of Île-de-France and Mayotte”, added the authorities. And the region francilienne records on average 1,000 new cases per week, even if hospitalization rates are weekly in the regions Is Great, and the Île-de-France has continued to decline”, according to the report of the authorities in compétents.

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88 foci of contamination are appeared in the region off from the end of the confinement, the half is “closed” and “the other half is still active,” says in addition to the director of the ARS of Ile-de-France, Aurélien Rousseau, who was interviewed Friday morning on France Bleu.

At 17 June, 37 outbreaks were still active, 29 of which are in healthcare facilities and in the long-term care facilities, added The World. “We don’t want to draw conclusions too quickly, we remain extremely vigilant,” says ARS Ile-de-France, everyday, according to which the regional Agency is going to conduct screening operations itinerant until the end of June, particularly in areas that have experienced excess mortality during the peak of the epidemic.

A more worrisome situation in French Guiana and Mayotte

If the epidemic seems to be in spite of everything controlled in the metropolis, two overseas departments are beginning to know the epidemic wave, a month and a half after the hexagon. Mayotte and French Guiana are, therefore, still in the box body, and the second round of the municipal elections to be held on 28 June has been postponed in French Guiana. The national Assembly has also voted Wednesday in favour of an extension of the state of emergency health in French Guiana, and Mayotte until 30 October inclusive” because of the active circulation of the coronavirus.

The highest rates of hospital admissions of 10 to 16 June of patients with Covid-19 have been observed in French Guiana and Mayotte, according to SPF. If “the trend of decline or stabilization at low levels of the rate of hospitalizations was observed in all the regions of metropolitan France, in French Guiana, “the increase in the incidence of hospitalizations observed in the previous week continues, and reached 31.7 per 100 000 inhabitants. In Mayotte, the hospitalization rate weekly remains stable at a high level, 10.7 per 100 000 inhabitants”, adds the report.

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Christophe Longuet, in charge of overseas mission for the scientific council, explained to The First that the virus circulation in Mayotte has about a month and a half late compared to the situation in france. According to him, the situation of the epidemic in the district is currently at its plateau.

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Same thing in French Guiana, spent last Monday in stage 3 of the epidemic, and where the authorities announced on Thursday extension of the curfew on the three municipalities of the island of Cayenne. “It was confined at the same time as in france then, at that time, there were very few cases in French Guiana and we managed to trace and isolate imported cases. And then it was déconfiné at the same time as in mainland france, when the epicenter of the pandemic had moved to Brazil, which shares a long border with Guyana,” explained the director of the institut Pasteur in French Guiana, Mirdad Kazanji, to The Express.

Date Of Update: 20 June 2020, 17:58

Categories: Optical Illusion

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