My Successful Experience in Increasing Email Marketing ROI

Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools that can give you a 30x return on your initial investment. However, like any tool, it does not work unconditionally; you need to handle it professionally. I’ve been in your shoes not knowing what to do and where to go, and now I’m ready to share my experience in increasing your email marketing ROI.

The first thing you should figure out is your goal. You can’t just launch a marketing campaign hoping it will be effective. What is effective? How do you define this term? Is it good when you get 15% ROI on email marketing? And 20%? Whatever actions and marketing tools you choose, the main goal is to maximize the return on your earnings, and you have to start with the amount you want to get. It will help you understand which strategies are good and which are not so effective to help you.

In this article, I’ll share 9 helpful tips you can try right away, along with some compelling reasons to install a VPN extension. You can download a trial version to understand how you can benefit from such applications. I use a VPN all the time.

But let’s get back to the basics and define what ROI is.

What is ROI?

Honestly, it doesn’t matter what field you’re in, the business world especially loves all kinds of jargon, including post cards, acronyms, etc. That’s why people who work in other industries can’t understand marketers. And maybe it will be scary for you at first. Once you enter the field of email marketing, you most likely know that your task is to understand how to maximize ROI. Or, in other words, how to make as much money as possible from everything you do. But this understanding may not seem like a good enough definition. So what is ROI? This is the income generated from any form of campaign you run to promote your business. It shortens the return on investment, which is generally expressed as a percentage of cost. If you are a mathematician, you can use the formula where ROI = (Revenue-Cost)/Cost. And now that you know where to start, let me tell you my personal experience and the most useful tips.

1. Segment your list

Whenever I need to set up an email campaign, I always start by segmenting my list. You want to know why I do it? It just allows me to make my emails more targeted. When you receive a random message, you will not open it. But when you see something that is made for you, you are much more interested. This strategy is backed by statistics as segmenting marketing campaigns can help increase revenue by 760%.

There are different options for how you can share your email list. I use characteristics such as:

  • demography;
  • purchase history;
  • stages of my sales funnel;
  • behavioral data.

Sometimes I encounter situations in which it is not easy to find some information, and this is where the VPN Chrome application helps me.

However, it is up to you how you segment your list and what works best for your business. You should experiment to figure out what exactly works for your business.

2. Personalize your email

Speaking of targeting, you can also work on the content of your email to make it more interesting to specific people.

When I was a beginner, I started with some simple things. For example, I used the names of the recipients in my greeting cards. All my colleagues used something like “Hey there!” and it was boring.

If you’ve done your segmentation homework well, you already have more insights to make your email more personal. For example, if you see that someone has just made a purchase on your website, don’t miss the opportunity to send a follow-up email with a thank you or another attractive offer.

But I recommend you test them well to make sure you’re not addressing people with the wrong names and other details.

3. Pay attention to the deliverability of your letters

When I was young and brave, I used to pay a lot of attention to the content of my e-mails. I tried to make them more interesting, more creative. I used the VPN extension for Chrome to find as much information as possible. But there is one thing that was not so obvious. That’s deliverability.

I was unpleasantly surprised that some of my e-mails did not consistently reach the inbox. They were perfect, but junk and spam filters don’t care. Of course, you won’t increase your ROI if your prospects don’t even see your email. So, think clean and quality content, don’t use spam words and always check your marketing statistics to be sure of your current performance.

4. Choose the best time

When e-mails became popular, we all thought that it didn’t matter exactly when you send your letter. The recipient can open the inbox and check the mail whenever they want. However, it doesn’t work this way. The timing of when you reach your customers can have a big impact on engagement rates. If you want your prospect to open and read your email, you should choose the best time to send it. And that means you should understand your audience. Sometimes I use the VPN Chrome app to explore content posted in other countries to get to know other people better. Some companies prefer Monday mornings, while others find Wednesday afternoons the most efficient time to check their inbox.

Don’t forget about time zones either.

5. Optimize your content for mobile devices

The world is constantly changing, and modern people use mobile phones to check their mail much more often. That’s why I always double-check that my email looks perfect not only on computer screens, but also on smartphones and tablets. And it’s not about apps like Gmail, but also about mobile web versions. I even use the VPN extension for Chrome to see how people from other countries will see my content and if all the connections are working properly.

This tip sounds so obvious, but you should realize that your prospects receive so many messages that they can easily delete one that doesn’t display well on their devices.

6. Come up with attractive headlines

I always say that you don’t have that many opportunities to grab the recipient’s attention. All the previous tips, when your email is successfully delivered and looks perfect, can be useless if your subject line is just plain boring. A few of my tips will help you with this:

  • Keep it concise and personal;
  • Use only strong verbs;
  • Do not tell lies and do not embellish;
  • Give readers an idea of ​​what you’re going to talk about;
  • Convey a sense of urgency.

However, you should always analyze the methods you have already tried. That’s why it’s important to check the statistics: to know what works for you and what doesn’t.

7. Don’t forget the call to action

How do you expect your readers to do something if you don’t even ask them?

Including CTAs (calls to action) in your emails is a great way to achieve your goals. When people see the Order Now button, they feel the urge to click. Give them a chance: tell them what to do. This doesn’t mean you should be rude and overly pushy, but if you’re new to email marketing, it’s very important to be proactive. It will definitely drive engagement and increase ROI!

8. Add visual content

Text content was enough in the 2010s, but it’s almost 2021 and you need to come up with something more creative. You can add video, animation, even memes if they look appropriate. Think about what your audience likes and play to that. Visual content is a great opportunity to stand out from other businesses and make your email more memorable.

When I’m experimenting with content, I always use the VPN extension for Chrome to make sure my email looks good.

9. Always monitor and test

I started by saying that you should always set goals and follow them. If you don’t know what your results are for the previous month or year, you won’t succeed in the following ones either. The VPN Chrome extension helps me analyze my results and test new strategies in different markets. Marketing is never the same, it’s constantly evolving, and the more data you have, the better you understand your company and your audience.

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Read more Author: Freddie George Education

Categories: How to

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