Neon Genesis Evangelion’s 17 Original Angels Explained

angels Neon Genesis Evangelion They are bizarre creatures that threaten to destroy humanity, and their powers and abilities are sometimes difficult to understand. Here’s a rundown of all 17 Angels who appeared in the original series, their abilities, and when they appeared.

Adam and Lilith

Neon Genesis Evangelion-Lilith

Adam and Lilith are the first and second angels respectively. Adam was discovered in Antarctica, and its discovery triggered a second impact. Adam was the ancestor of the angels, who was sent to earth to fill it with life in its first days. Lilith is the ancestor of mankind and was discovered in Japan, where the underground frontline is located. Lilith wears a strange mask on her face, the design of which matches SEELE’s logo. Neon Genesis Evangelion’s units are all based on Adam, except unit 01, which is based on Lilith. Lilith first appeared in episode 15, while Adam made his debut in episode 8.


Sachiel is the third angel and the first to appear after the Second Impact, appearing in the first episode. Its humanoid form emerged from the Pacific Ocean and made a beeline for Tokyo-3 and NERV headquarters. It fought a tough battle with Rei in Neon Genesis Evangelion Unit 00, and was eventually defeated by Shinji in Unit 01. Shakir has bony protrusions on his arms that can fire powerful energy beams. Sachiel was destroyed after he self-destructed in an unsuccessful attempt to take Unit 01 away.


Neon Genesis Evangelion-Shamsher

Shamsher is the fourth angel, appearing in episode 3. Shamshel has small legs and a long body that looks a bit like a dragonfly without wings. Shamsher engaged in a fierce battle with Evangelion 01, and used various ingenious means such as cutting off the power cord to gain the upper hand. Shamshel can create energy whips from his tiny arm-like appendages, which are capable of burning Unit-01’s hands. Shamshel was destroyed when Shinji from Unit 01 stabbed Shamshel in the core.


Neon Genesis Evangelion - Ramiel

Ramiel is the fifth angel, appropriately appearing in the fifth episode of the series. Ramil is one of the most famous angels due to his extremely simple appearance: it is just a blue octahedron with 8 triangular faces in the shape. Ramiel’s alien nature makes it difficult to fight as it possesses a powerful AT field and is equipped with a powerful energy beam that can melt Unit-00’s shields. Ramiel was eventually defeated by Shinji in the EVA 01 unit, who fired a super-powered rifle with Japan’s entire power output, although Rei gets credit for assisting on this occasion.


Neon Genesis Evangelion-Gajeel

Gajeel is the Sixth Angel and appears in episode 8, where Asuka makes her debut. It looks like a whale-like creature and is depicted swimming in the waters surrounding a fleet of battleships. Gajeel differs from previous Angels in that most of his attacks are physical, related to his shark-like teeth. This proved to be a challenge, as Evangelion Unit 02 did not have underwater combat capabilities. It was eventually destroyed when Shinji and Asuka worked together on Unit 02, opening its mouth long enough to place several derelict battleships inside, causing them to self-destruct, shattering the Angel’s core.


Neon Genesis Evangelion-Israel

Israphel is the seventh angel and appears in episode 9. It also has a vaguely humanoid form, emerging from the ocean. Israfel’s biggest ability is that it has not one core, but two cores. Destroying one core at a time is not enough. It can also divide itself into two slightly smaller bodies, each with a core. They initially defeated Evangelion Units 01 and 02, and were only contained when atomic bomb-grade explosives were dropped on them to repair them. Shinji and Asuka must train their movements to synchronize in order to defeat it by piercing both cores at the same time.


Neon Genesis Evangelion - Sandalphon

Santa Fe is the eighth angel and appears in episode 10. Although still in an embryonic state when first discovered, Santa Fe’s hatchling form resembles that of a primitive deep-sea creature. NERV wants to jump on Santophon, but it’s hatching deep inside the volcano, making it difficult to reach. Asuka of Unit 02 must use special equipment to dive into the magma in an attempt to destroy it before it hatches, but fails. Asuka was eventually able to destroy it using Shinji’s Progressive Blade. Since it’s still young, there’s no telling what its full capabilities will be.


Neon Genesis Evangelion - Mattarelle

Mattarelle is the Ninth Angel and appears in episode 11. It has a small central body supported by long, spider-like legs that are covered with triangular eyes, similar to the Eye of Providence. Mattarelle attacked Third Tokyo while the city was in a blackout, and thus was initially undetectable. Martarel attacks with acid, which is used to prevent Evangelion from climbing out of the launch tube. It was defeated by Shinji, Rei and Asuka. Asuka took down its AT field, Rei retrieved the lost pallet rifle for Shinji, and Shinji gave it a fatal blow.


Neon Genesis Evangelion-Sahaquil

Sahaquil is the tenth angel and appears in episode 12. Sahaquil has a strange appearance, with a large eye in the center of its body and two oddly shaped arms/wings extending from its sides. It emerges from space and begins dropping explosive debris from orbit, causing massive damage wherever it lands. It turns out that it is also immune to atomic-grade N2 bombs due to its powerful AT field. It was defeated by the Neon Genesis Evangelion trio once again, this time Asuka delivered a fatal blow with the Progressive Blade.


Neon Genesis Evangelion-Illul

Ireul is the eleventh angel and appears in episode 13. Unlike all other giant creatures, Ireul is a microscopic, virus-like organism. It first appears within the landscape front, causing a strange form of corrosion to spread to everything it touches. It attempts to cause the base to self-destruct, but Ritsuko stops it using the last undamaged MAGI computer. Due to its huge size, it was never able to compete with Neon Genesis Evangelion.


Neon Genesis Evangelion-Raelir

Leliel is the twelfth angel, appearing in episode 16. It is a being that exists in greater than 3 dimensions and appears in the world as a shadow, seemingly cast above it by a floating sphere, when in fact it is quite the opposite. As one of the weirdest angels, its combat power is extremely difficult. It absorbed Unit 01 into a different dimension. As Unit 01 went berserk inside, Lellir was destroyed, torn apart before a barrage of bombs were about to be dropped on it.


Neon Genesis Evangelion-Badil

Badir is the thirteenth angel and appears in episode 18. Badir’s true form has not been seen, but it is hinted that it is small due to its ability to hide in the clouds and hijack Unit 03 as it passes by. Badil grew up in Unit 03 and turned it into an angel, although Neon Genesis Evangelion pilot Touji Suzuhara was still inside. Unit 01 is sent to fight, but Shinji refuses due to Toji’s presence; control of Unit 01 is handed over to the virtual system, which violently crushes Unit 03’s inlet plug, killing Bardiel and seriously injuring Toji.


Neon Genesis Evangelion-Zerul

The fourteenth angel Zerul appears in episode 19. It also has a humanoid form, although arguably less humanoid than Thal’kiel or Israfiel. It is extremely powerful and has successfully invaded the geographical frontier through attacks. Its “arms” are paper-thin, giving them incredible cutting capabilities. It can levitate and fire energy beams from its eyes, which is incredibly powerful. It was eventually destroyed by Unit 01, and the “S2 Engine” in Zelur’s body was also swallowed by Unit 01, greatly increasing the power of EVA.


Neon Genesis Evangelion - Ariel

Ariel, the fifteenth angel, appears in episode 22. This is another strange angel whose body is essentially made of light, who uses AT force fields to make telepathic contact with EVA pilots, forcing them to relive traumatic memories. Like Sahaqu’il, it’s approaching from space, which makes combat a challenge. Rei defeated it with the Spear of Longinus and ejected it into orbit; the spear then disappeared into space.


Neon Genesis Evangelion-Amisal

Amisal, the sixteenth angel, appears in episode 23. Its body takes the shape of a double helix of light, initially wound so that the two ends touch, forming a circle. It was also able to mentally interact with EVA pilots, and successfully combined itself with Rei of Unit 00, making her feel its pain and nearly taking over Unit 01. Rei decides to self-destruct Unit 00, destroying Amicel and a large chunk of Tokyo 3.



Tabris, the Seventh Angel, better known as Neon Genesis Evangelion Called Kaworu Nagisa by fans, and appears in episode 24. Kaworu is not a “natural” angel, but a creature created by SEELE to serve as a vessel for Adam’s soul, making him similar to Rei in many ways. He is the fifth child, disguised as a human, and replaces Asuka as the pilot of Unit 02. Kaoru and Shinji quickly develop a close relationship, but Kaoru eventually attempts to descend to Terminal Dogma and join up with Adam, only to discover that Lilith, is not Adam. After failing, Kaoru allowed Shinji to kill him and was crushed to death by the hands of Unit 01.

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