No, Luke Skywalker Didn’t Use Force Choke In Return Of The Jedi

Luke Skywalker Appears To Use The Dark Side Of A Force Coil return of jedibut it’s all new Star Wars Canon and other suggestive legend books. Luke Skywalker’s battle with the dark side is a big part of his character line in the movie, and while he ultimately resists its allure, he’s nearly unyielding when it comes to fighting. with his deceased father. Luke’s inner conflict manifests itself in return of jedi Through a wealth of details, both overt and subtle, he doesn’t actually use the Dark Side’s famous gravity at any point in the film.

when luke skywalker is fully released return of jedi, he strode into Jabba the Hutt’s palace and was stopped by two Gamori bodyguards. Luke raised his hand and used the Force to disperse them, and the two guards clutching their necks in pain drew back. This means that Luke uses Darth Vader’s signature dark side powers, and while the film’s 1983 novel depicts a similar moment, its base novel (it’s part of the series) classics and legends) and Age of Legends heir to the empirereveals that Luke’s actions really have nothing to do with the dark side.

Star Wars Canon reveals Luke used Jedi mind tricks in ROTJ instead of coercion

Luke uses the Force Choke in Return of the Jedi

return of jedi James Kahn’s first novel, part of the legendary timeline, strongly hints that Luke used the Force choke on two guards, but like the movie itself, it doesn’t make Luke’s reaction to With the potential use of surface strength becomes apparent. The film, written by Ryder Windham’s main novel, was originally part of the story but later became part of a new rulebook, depicting Luke’s powers as a psychic hoax. Universe of Legends further confirms Luke not using Forced Choke, Referring Luke to Jabba’s Palace heir to the empireLuke just confused the guardians.

Both Canon and Legends confirm that Luke doesn’t use Force choke, and it seems odd that Gamor’s guardians would painfully grab their necks as if they were Force choke, but there’s a potential explanation. for that. Luke uses a mind trick on the guards, but he’s probably just creating the illusion of suffocating them rather than actually constricting their trachea and potentially killing them. This preserves Luke’s dark authority figure while not betraying his role in the film.

Luke’s mind tricks will be better for the return of the Jedi

Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

Although Luke struggles with the temptations of the dark side of the film return of jedi, which he uses only briefly in the third act, after a long period of seducing and threatening his sister. Luke finally fends off the dark side before dealing irreparable damage, but this moment is destined to be the only time he actually uses its power. Luke Skywalker’s behavior in the first act return of jedi The goal is to be a hero saving his friends, so letting him use the dark side, even if it’s a non-lethal strangulation app, would go against that purpose.

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