Of abomination to damn, going through good blood, shit and scrogneugneu

swear words make up a universe as rich as the lesser-known the French language. The dictionary, which is dedicated allows you to get to know them better. It h

swear words make up a universe as rich as the lesser-known the French language. The dictionary, which is dedicated allows you to get to know them better.

It had been months since he made me feel gringue, with his red blanket and his title as sorcerer. Months that I was trying to resist him, knowing full well that, the day I craquerais, that could become a drug lasts, worse than a sausage béarnaise (those who know me will measure the extent of the danger). And then, the other day, I relented : I took it, this damn book. And I dove, far, far away. The title of this vile tempter ? The Dictionary of swear words.

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It must be said that these good blood, sapristi and other stomach of a goat form a whole world. While swear words are rare in dictionaries (disdain academic ? prudishness ?), Stone Enckel has identified several thousands in this book amazing. And yet : he is held to a rule of brass : their certificate in writing under the pen of multiple authors. Why the famous rogntudjuu of Gaston Lagaffe is not there, not more than the bachi-bouzouk popularized by captain Haddock.

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But in fact, what is an expletive ? If the word has the same etymology as an insult (both are of the family of “to swear”), it differs in a key line : a verbal is a word that is addressed to someone in particular, for the hurt ; a curse, to him, is not directed at anyone, did not call for any response, often arises when one is alone. Bastard and asshole are insults, my God, and holly crap are swear words.

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unlike other interjections such as ah, oh, or, alas, the curse is generally a term malsonnant, which is offensive to the ears of the one who is likely to hear, “a word that we “let get away” under the pressure of a feeling sudden and violent impatience, fury, disappointment”, wrote precisely the linguist Emile Benveniste. That said, an expletive can sometimes translate to the surprise (ciel !) and even admiration (dammit !). Some of them have downright lost their initial intensity. “My faith” no longer shocks anyone, while, in the south, and the countless con and whore are used as commas. Conversely, some feel the need to multiply the number to give them more expressive still : a thousand billions of fuck shit you ask a anger.

The swear words are of great diversity. Some refer to human beings (bugger, the name of a little man) ; other animals (name of a dog) ; others, even to inanimate objects, with a preference for the universe, scatological and sexual (chiotte, fuck, shit). Many of them were given to us by the military world (cracker, mille sabords, wooden sword), but the place of honour must be reserved to religion. The name of God, it is the case of the say, knows a considerable success, with – among others – fuck God, God of the sky, God damn me, tudieu, twenty gods. But we won’t forget no more Good mother, sweet Jesus, son of David, while, lurking in the shadows, Beelzebub pulls his pin of the game with a hundred devils, hell, devil, thunder devil, etc

This preponderance is logical as to the origin, to swear means to utter an oath, therefore, take God to witness a statement. Process could not be more honourable in itself… except when the said formula is taken out of its context. In which case we are dealing with a blasphemy. It is not to lend the flank to the charge supreme that we have had to resort to the process of taking a word close to the original : palsambleu, instead of by the blood of God, for example. The honor is except, since the forbidden name was not quoted ! According to the legend, as well as jernicoton (or jarnicoton) has been invented by the confessor of Henri IV. Desperate to see the sovereign to swear to that better to better, the good father Cotton himself would have proposed to replace the name of the Creator by his own, in the formula “I deny God”, which has become a ‘I deny Cotton’. Process ridiculous ? Of course. But that the anticlericals don’t laugh at not too fast : the same formulas of avoidance exist in the secular sphere : thin is supposed to be a substitute for shit ; god to man ; damn fuck.

I leave to the moralists care to say if the fault is less when the intention remains.

(1) Dictionary of swearing, by Pierre Enckell. PUF, 30 €.


“I have an accent, so what ?”

Voilà, it’s done. The book I co-authored with my colleague Jean-Michel Aphatie. “I have an accent. And then ?” is published. His ambition is to reveal the discrimination that is affecting millions of men and women “guilty” of speaking with a regional accent, and who, for this reason alone, suffer ridicule in everyday life and are almost to forbid the access to certain trades. Discrimination unknown, which reflects both a contempt – geographical one, traditional, of Paris towards the “province”- but also social : one of the “elite” vis-à-vis the people. A topic much more serious than we often believe. Thirty million people are affected.

“I have an accent and then” testimony and the investigation of a discrimination forgotten, Jean-Michel Aphatie and Michel Feltin-Palas, Michel Lafon, 17,95 €.

The breton is a foreign language in Britain ?

this is apparently what think the ministry of national Education, which intends to ask the parents, from the rentrée 2020, to choose between the language history of the region and English. As the note effectively the site NHU, “it is like asking parents to choose between French and another language (foreign) to the school.”

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what Is the purpose of the insults ?

Why does it say “Dirty Arab” and “Dirty Swede”, this is not the same thing ? That is what explains the permanence of the word whore in French ? How insulting are they part of our culture ? Here are some of the questions answered by the linguist Laélia Véron, in his broadcast Talk to as ever.


The round of cursing, Georges Brassens

We will say that I did not go to seek well far away, and we will be right, but how not to associate with this letter the incredible Round of swearing Brassens ? Gold, so here is a tribute to the cornegidouille, pardi and scrogneugneu of the olden time.

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Discrimination in hiring, teasing… That France is allergic to regional accents Splendour and munificence of the world’s languages De Gaulle, a name falsely predestined

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Date Of Update: 02 June 2020, 18:58

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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