Of the big bosses gathered by Hugo Clément undertake for a RIP on the animals ' cause

These businessmen, who were brought together at the beginning of the project by the journalist Hugo Clement, collaborated with a dozen defense associations

These businessmen, who were brought together by the journalist Hugo Clement at the beginning of the project, collaborated with a dozen animal protection associations.

Xavier Niel, Marc There and Jacques-Antoine Granjon, the three big bosses, defended on Thursday the idea of ​​a referendum initiative on common animal issues (RIP) to fight against abuses by offering citizens six key measures, including the abolition of breeding cages.

These businessmen, who were brought together by the journalist Hugo Clement at the beginning of the project, collaborated with a dozen animal protection associations. They hope the people they mobilize will abandon intensive farming and ban breeding cages, fur farming, hunting with hounds, traditional depictions of wildlife and animal experiments if there are alternatives. These proposals are online at referendumpourlesanimaux.fr.

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The RIP enables the presentation of a bill to a referendum if it is supported by at least a fifth of the deputies (185 deputies) and 10 percent of those registered on the electoral lists (or 4.7 million), recalled Hugo Clément at the press conference.

“We leave a report to Xavier, Marc and Jacques-Antoine that it is necessary for civil society, businessmen and associations to take up this issue and apply it. His strength? He is ‘transigent and from all political camps'”, he explained.

“historic” initiative

For Marc There, founder of Meetic, “we are in a world where we can no longer live with suffering animals. The entire company is in the process of turning to this awareness.” “We will use the RIP tool and all our might to gather 4.7 million followers,” he added.

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Brigitte Gothière, President of L214 welcomed the new “history” initiative. “The cause of animals brings unexpected people, like these entrepreneurs who come with ambitious proposals and are pragmatic,” she was excited.

“80 percent of the people agree with the proposed measures. Animal advocates cannot initiate these types of policies. We will show the world of political lobbying that citizens are also on the side of animals and that this will have to be taken into account, ”she hopes.

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For his part, Christophe Marie, spokesman for the Brigitte Bardot Foundation, believes that “this great project to be carried out is encouraging.” “The associations that defend animals have been alone for years. This fight is no longer marginalized, nor ridiculed by politicians. The hope is that citizens have the power to act and dictate policies that for now have zero response to these enormous expectations ”, he concluded.

Date updated: July 2, 2020 at 11:58

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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