Online store Amazon is delighted with megawinst in the fourth quarter

in Amazon, despite previous market forecasts for the quarter, an increase in profits. Shares rose 13.5 percent after trading. In comparison

in Amazon, despite previous market forecasts for the quarter, an increase in profits. Shares rose 13.5 percent after trading. Compared to the previous quarter, the company held a line of 3.27 billion (3 billion euros), an increase of 8 percent, the company said.

And Amazon, as market analysts were ready to put in a lower operating – and net profit.

The online store for investment in the last few years must be in the millions of customers who are on leverdienst Prime is available to speed up the operation. The company hired additional staff and increased the cost by almost half.

now, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said in a statement that customers will keep coming back to take advantage of the fast delivery. He supports this with facts and figures: in a two-year period, the number of Prime members who have 50 percent more.

Date of update: January 31, 2020, 10:00 AM

Categories: Optical Illusion

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