Only 1 percent of people can quickly locate the number “Best” within the word “Pest”?

Optical illusions, more accurately called visual illusions, involve tricking the eye.

This is an interesting optical illusion not only for discerning minds, but also for the not so discerning.

The challenge is to identify and differentiate the signs in the word «Pest» to find the hidden number «Best».

This includes a keen eye for detail and a quick grasp of the subtleties within type.

Can you discover the hidden best within 12 seconds in this optical illusion from the image above?

This is the best optical illusion for all sharp minds for another IQ boost.

Carefully examine the picture and you will be able to spot the hidden creature. If you are struggling with the image, you can refer to the solution image below to discover the correct answer.

Categories: Trends

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