Only those with excellent IQ can spot the third person in this image in under 30 seconds

Brain teasers are puzzles designed to challenge your thought processes. While we all possess a lateral thinking approach, the real test of our minds comes from puzzles that require thinking outside the box. Called brain teasers, these challenges disrupt our conventional ways of thinking. They come in a variety of forms, ranging from numerical problems to terrifying optical illusions. The one presented here is the best example of such a challenge. Now let’s dive into the intriguing puzzle that has left readers baffled. The scene unfolds with two lovers furtively glancing at each other in broad daylight, set against a roadside backdrop. They seem to be dancing to the same tune, enjoying their day out. While we can easily spot one lady stealing glances from her lover, can you locate the other lady in this picture? Your challenge: 30 seconds. Ready? To go! 30… 20… 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1… Everyone stop!

Were you able to find the other lady in the picture? If so, congratulations! Your powers of observation are hawkish. However, if you can’t spot another lover, don’t fret; we are here to help.

Here’s the twist: the second lady is deliberately absent from this picture. To discover its presence, think outside the box. Turn the picture over and look for the lady’s face. Did you spot him? We have rounded up the solution below for your reference:solution 2

(Source: The Sun)

Was the puzzle above challenging or extremely unique? Do not worry! We have more such puzzles lined up for your enjoyment.

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